Chapter 25 - Love Is Kind [Part 1]

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I'm not quite sure when I got separated from everyone, but at some point, as we were traveling up the mountain we broke off into groups and went in different directions. Ryu and Shinobu-san went off one way and Yuu and Giyuu-san went off another. Since I would have been traveling alone, I decided to follow Yuu and Giyuu for a large portion of our journey. Then, somewhere down the line, I got separated from them.

It's not like they left me behind or anything, I had simply gotten distracted by something and went off to further investigate it. I had thought I had seen something that strangely reminded me of my parents, but the second I got even remotely close it was gone. While I certainly wanted to pursue this thing, I heard a certain clicking sound and I immediately had to change course.

The clicking sound I was hearing came from something my siblings and I came up with. It was a method of communication of sorts. It was also used by my father in a lot of highly dangerous and important messages. And it was just the other day that I learned it was also used to help Yuu when he was younger to use his hearing as a type of sight. We would make small clicks or sounds with whatever we had, and now that we had weapons, we would use our swords. Ryu was the only exception, he would use the sound of the chains on his kusarigama. In other words, it was kind of like morse code...but a little different.

I was able to catch up with Yuu and Giyuu pretty quickly after that. Giyuu hardly even paid me any mind as I ran faster coming right in between them as I said,

"What's the problem, Yuu? I heard you use the code."

Giyuu almost turned his head to look at me in confusion but kept his eyes trained ahead instead. Then, Yuu reached behind himself, pulling his walking staff from its holder on his back, and pointed it forward.

"I think we found the kizuki," said Yuu. "Should be right up ahead."

I frowned, "How'd you know to come this way?"

"Well, another demon slayer we ran into on the mountain told us. He also said that Tanjiro might be over here somewhere," then Yuu shrugged and put his staff back in its holder, "It's also pretty hard to ignore that power. You can feel it can't you Mizu?"

I nodded my understanding and kicked up my pace to match the increasing speed of Yuu and Giyuu so I wouldn't be left behind again. It wasn't like I didn't feel the sudden increase of power in the area. The pressure of the air as we ran through the thick forest of the mountain seemed to increase 10 fold with every step we took, and it was relatively impossible to ignore. Eventually, it had felt like running with 50-pound weights on my shoulders. The heaviness of the air had almost caused me to stumble and I sucked in a breath to recenter my balance.

"So you called me over foooor...?"

"Didn't I tell you...this job is yours now. What do you think he called you here for."

I pouted and frowned at his attitude. I was fairly comfortable with his snippy and short responses, but it still continued to amaze me. Especially since he was the hashira out of the three of us. It didn't help that I was feeling the pressure of actually being near a current kizuki either, and I had hoped that Shinobu and Giyuu were bluffing when they said they were going to turn the job over to me and my siblings. Apparently, Giyuu was very good at keeping his word so there was no getting out of the fact that I would have to kill the demon myself.

"So you two are just gonna let me fight this kizuki on my own? Tomioka-san shouldn't you tell Yuu to help me?"

Giyuu really gave me a look this time as he said, "Yuu has already done his part for today. This is your part."

Demon Slayer: Love Is...[Book 1] || Tengen Uzui x OCWhere stories live. Discover now