Chapter 5- Love Always Trusts [Pt. 1]

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A/N- Hey guys! This is part one of a two-part chapter, please continue to the next chapter afterward ^-^ 

(P.S.- For my readers who have read this chapter and are rereading it, this chapter has been reviewed and edited. But of course, I will always be coming back to make more changes where they can be made.)

"Oh, man! It's been a while! I knew Tengan-sensei got a new house, but I never noticed it'd looked so nice till now."

I dropped my broomstick and laughed. The maroon-eyed white-haired shinobi was grinning the widest smile I had ever seen as he ran at top speed to crush me in a bear hug.

I had to admit. I was quite shocked. Tengen had never been one to be so touchy-feely before. He was always so cold and mean, for such a long time. And even if he was "touchy-feely," it was usually to insult and degrade you in some ridiculously harsh way.

I, however, am a touchy-feely person. Always willing to give someone a hug or make jokes. But now, ever since I snapped at his father three years ago, and Sensei told him off a couple of times (an event that my brothers and I witnessed along with Tengen that went completely unnoticed by the two men). It's almost as though Tengen has relaxed. A lot. Like he can be, himself I guess. Even more so when he is over at Sensei's house with me, my sister, and my brothers. 

At this point, the young shinobi and I have finally reached age 15, yet Tengen had managed to achieve a physique similar to my brothers, who were about 20 now. Not to mention, Tengen's face had also aged appropriately to suit, granting him an overall rather youthful attractiveness in addition to his consistently swelling ego.

And if I'm going to be completely honest...Getting used to it was quite overwhelming.

"Oh yeah? You've been coming here for 3 years now since he got it. What makes it so sparkly now, hm?" I laughed raising an eyebrow at him.

When Tengen let out a brief chuckle, my heart raced. Then, he held me at arm's length, playfully took hold of my nose between his fingers, squeezed it, and pulled it lightly, causing me to flinch. Once he let go, I rubbed my nose with a pout.

"Your presence will make anything sparkle," I felt my face grow warm in embarrassment, and I pushed his hand away.

It was in this moment, that he brought his gaze to the sky, "It's so unfair." he said, "It seems the heavens just light up so..." Then he looked back down and the slightest smirk graced his features. "So flamboyantly above you."

I snorted in reply, completely incapable of hiding my disbelieving laughter at his statement. The things that came out of his mouth now were absolutely unbelievable, and I knew he was saying it just to tease me.  

I should have been absolutely embarrassed by the way I had reacted though; blushing till I was as red as a tomato as I nearly stumbled backward over the broomstick in utter shock at his words. I really ought to have punched him for saying these things. I mean, this was wildly uncalled for! If not because he was supposed to be married off not too long from now, then because I don't even belong to his native clan, and I don't think that exactly allows for this amount or sort of familiarity! Not to mention, his father would kill me if he found out about how his son talks to me. 

"My that's rather flattering, Tengen-san," I mused placing a thoughtful hand to my chin. "Does your father know you think of me that way?"

Tengen chuckled again, only it was louder this time, "I've never spoken to my father about such things. So if I were being honest I'd have to say no." He placed his hands on his hips, "But you know if you were to have fallen for that I would have taken you for a fool." 

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