"Huh, Ji doesn't usually like new people." Mr. Jung says as he watches me. I hear Mama Jung coming so I set Ji down on my right, so Woo can sit to my left. Woo sits down with me, and his mom trips on the same spot in the rug, spilling the tea, and before it lands on Woo I put my arm in the way.

         She doesn't seem hurt, just shaken, and my arm is now burned. I take a deep breath and look at Woo who just seems shocked.

         "Oh my god, I'm so sorry San," his mom apologizes.

         "It's fine, I'll be right back." I say, getting up and heading to the kitchen. I turn on the water and use it to calm the pain until my healing kicks in. "I guess 24 hours starts now Little one." I say through our bond with a smirk.

         "Honey, are you sure you're okay?" his mom asks, walking into the kitchen with a first aid kit. I smile and nod, showing her my arm is fine now.

         "I heal quickly," I say with a small dimpled laugh. She just stares at me.

         "Alright then, I guess we should go sit back down now." she says putting the kit down on the table.

         We head back to the living room and Woo seems to be sitting, trying to keep to himself now. "Calm down, you know I will protect you, no matter what." I say through our bond, sitting down next to him again.

         I feel him relax and I look over at his dad who is slowly drinking his tea, until he sees my arm. He puts his cup down and looks at me with a confused look, then to his wife.

         "So, I don't mean to be rude, but what are you?" he asks as Iseul runs over to Woo, landing in his lap.

         "Well, I am part witch, part nephilim? That's the term right?" I ask looking at Woo who just shrugs.

         "How should I know? Ask your dad." he laughs which makes me laugh too. I haven't really explained to anyone what I am since I got my wings.

         "Oooohh we have an angel in the house daddy!" Iseul cheers, giving a laugh and smile to me. I smile and look at him, his smile is very similar to Woo's just smaller and a bit more scrunched.

         "Well then, I guess that explains the healing," Mama Jung hums, but doesn't seem to believe. She heads back to the kitchen and has Woo follow her. I smile at his dad nervously.

         "So, do you have a familiar yet?" he asks as I take a sip of tea, causing me to almost choke. I have forgotten how to be around other witches.

         "I, yes, I do have my familiar." I say, putting my cup down gently. I look around, my hands sweaty, and cough lightly.

         "So, when did yours appear to you? Was it recent?" he asks me, almost drilling me like a cop.

         "It wasn't recent, I was roughly 12 at the time. He is a black cat named Salem, I know it's not original, but he named himself when I couldn't think of a name." I say, looking down at my hands, not wanting to look up at him. My stomach knotting up, I look at him, his eyes are softer now.

         "I'm sorry, I didn't realize. If you need to talk, or need help, we are always here. Our son brought you here, so we will like you no matter what happens." he tells me with a kind smile. I feel my nerves go down a bit and take a deep breath.

         "Wooyoung! Are you okay?" I hear from the kitchen, and go to see what happened. His dad is still smiling at me, as I get up to go check.

         "You okay?" I ask as I reach the doorway to the kitchen. I see Woo with his hand over the sink, running water over his hand, and his mom is looking a bit frantic. Woo looks at me and shows me his hand, it has a very deep cut in it, something that would take stitches, or more.

         "I can't leave your side can I?" I joke, keeping his hand under the water. I put my hand over his and mutter a short spell under my breath. Opening my eyes I cast the spell, making the water glow, wrapping around the deep gash in his hand, pulling the veins, muscles, and tendons back together.

         "Thanks," Woo mumbles and I keep his hand under the water for a moment longer, hoping to take the pain away as well, making my own hand hurt in its place. I wince and release his hand, trying not to let him know it hurts.

         "I can't heal a small blemish, like the scar you might have from that, but I can heal that." I say, then look at his mom. "I'll help you cook, let him go sit down?" I ask.

         "Of course," she chimes, but looks nervously at her son.

         "What happened?" I ask.

         "I don't know, he was cutting an onion, and the next thing I know his hand is open." she explains. I nod and clean up everything that has blood on it, putting new ingredients out, and I help her make lunch.


         After we had made food, and Woo was calmed down, we started talking about what magic everyone uses. Most of his family is fire, except for his mom who is an earth magic user. I just laugh at the craziness of it all.

         "I'm a water magic user, this is crazy to me. I mean my mom uses earth magic, and my sister air. I've never seen almost a whole family of one element," I say between laughs. Woo has gotten me relaxed and laughing and his parents are actually really nice.

         "Thank you for being so close to our son, if you hadn't been here I don't know what would've happened to his hand." Mama Jung says, giving me a shy smile.

         "Oh, where is Lily? She'd love to see Ji and Iseul." Woo asks, and I look confused for a sec.

         "Uhm, not sure, she hasn't been around much." I say, and look around. "Lily? Where are you? Woo and I are around a puppy and a kid, would you like to meet them?" I ask her.

         "You had me at puppy and kid!" we hear, then I hear from Woo's room a clatter of nails. We then see her shiba form bounding in and going into play mode with Ji. Woo and I are trying not to lose it as we see these two playing around in the middle of the room, and Iseul joining in on the fun.

         "Who is this?" Woo's dad asks, looking over, and petting Lily.

         "Uhm, that is Lily, a "familiar" sent by my father, he may not be the greatest, but he does try." I say sheepishly. My father is very protective, but has never really been around, not until after my uncle anyway.

         "Oh, I didn't know anybody could do that." he muses.

         "I mean, what I have seen of your dad, he is nice, but it was only once," Woo chimes in. I nod and feel a bit sad, which means I earn a face full of Lily.

         "Be happy San! No being sad!!" she yells, jumping up and down on me. Woo laughs at her excitement and so does everyone else. Eventually I pull her into a hug and she calms down.

         "Thank you Lily, but I'm fine," I say and she goes back to playing with Ji and Iseul. I take a deep breath and have another bite of my lunch. I smile at the family and go to clean up the plates.

         "San, you don't need to do that," Mama Jung says, but I just smile and take the plates to the kitchen, cleaning them. I hear Iseul playing with Woo in the living room, also listening for if something happens to my Woo. After having finished the dishes I head back to the living room.

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