"Wanda! Pietro! Momma! Daddy!" The young girl cries out in terror and Wanda and Pietro try to make themselves as small as possible, to avoid the bomb.

"Kitty-Ana! Be brave! We'll be there as soon as possible!" Pietro cries out.

They wait there for 2 days, by then, Katriana was pale and bloody all over. Wanda and Pietro were dehydrated and starving until the rescuers came. They first found Wanda and Pietro and, listening to the cries for their sister, looked around the room until they moved the wooden beam and found the little girl, unconscious and bleeding out. They rushed her to the hospital, where they operated on her. She barely survived. After 2 weeks they were moved to a children's home, where they attended protests until Baron Von Strucker found them. Katriana then found fear of the dark, cells, small places, being separated from her loved ones, her loved ones hating her, and her loved ones betraying her. She was plagued with nightmares. Wanda and Pietro desperately tried to keep their sister smiling but sometimes it didn't work. The only thing keeping them from escaping was the possibility of getting revenge on Tony Stark.

Present Day, Struckers Base, Sokovia

Katriana's POV

"Report to your stations immediately. This is not a drill. We are under attack. We are under attack."

I grab Wanda's hand as the alarms blared above the ceiling, clutching Wanda and Pietro's hand this time. I bury myself in their arms as Strucker runs up to one of the people.

"Who gave the order to attack?" Strucker commanded

"Herr Strucker, it's the Avengers. They landed in the far woods, the perimeter guard panicked." A soldier told Strucker. Wanda looked at me

"Kat, are you ok? You seem a bit scared." She asked me "I'm not looking in your mind Kat, it's just, looking at you makes me worry."

"I'm ok Wands. I'm just scared." I nod, and she nods looking at Strucker.

"They have to be after the scepter," Strucker said to the Doctor who experimented on us.

"Can we hold them?" He asked the soldier.

"They are the Avengers!" The soldier responds, panicking

"Deploy the rest of the tanks."

"Yes, sir."

"Concentrate fire on the weak ones. A hit can make them close ranks." He turns to the doctor. "Everything we've accomplished. But we're on the verge of our greatest breakthrough."

"Then let's show them what we've accomplished. Send out the siblings." The doctor said.

"It's too soon."

"It's what they signed up for."

"My men can hold them."

Pietro squeezes my hand tightly, I smile at him.

"We're going to fight, finally get revenge on Stark. Come on Wanda-Landa, Kitty-Ana" He says grabbing Wanda's hand. I grin at them. I get on his back and Pietro picks up Wanda in his arms. I could fly, but I like being with my siblings. Pietro speeds off with us, dropping Wanda somewhere in the building and sped off and dropped me off as he sped past a man with a bow and arrow. I pull my hood on while Pietro grins at the man.

"You didn't see that coming?" He says then speeding off. A gun zaps from the bunker as the man nocked his bow. He gets shot in the side, the red leaking out slowly. A red-headed woman runs over and checks his wound. I can see it from here. It's deep. I gag a bit. I can't really stand blood.

"Clint's hit!" She says, so his name is Clint. She says something inaudible as a big green guy comes in and destroys the bunker. I wince and walk over to them. I wave my hands and a young girl appears, running across the battlefield.

"Lila? Lila! Come back here! It's not safe for you!" The red-head woman cries out as Clint starts stepping up. I make her disappear, much to the confusion of them. I smirk and fly away to the area and see an American man. I wave my hands once more as a woman appears in front of him. He stops and turns around and we make eye contact. He reaches in his ear and talks to someone as I quickly run away, making the illusion disappear.

Pietro's POV, Struckers Base, Sokovia

I run towards where Wanda was, I saw her looking at a man. He took the scepter. I made to stop him but she put a hand up to stop me.

"We're just going to let him take it?" I say confused. Wanda grins and stops, looking at me.

"Where's Kitty?" She asks me.

"I thought she would be here!" I whisper angrily.

"No, P. I'm right here." Kitty-Ana walks in, her brown hair bouncing around. "I tried an illusion on the American man. He caught me, and I barely got away."

The man heard and turned around. We duck down, he sees that there's no one there and frowns. He fires up his suit, and I see that he is Iron Man, Tony Stark, or whatever he goes by now. The man who killed our parents, and nearly killed my baby-baby sister. I ball my hands in anger.

"P, we can leave now. But where should we go?" Kitty-Ana tugs on my sleeve. She looks up at me, and my anger melts. I take her in my arms.

"Somewhere far away. Far, far, away." I say as Wanda steps in and takes Kitty-Ana's hand.

So, how do you like it? Just a small note, Katriana's usually going to be called nicknames because Katriana is a long name also it's not Katrina it's Katriana (Kat-tree/tri-ana(anna from frozen) So yeah heh

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