Meeting The Master

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That must be Master Julian, he was handsome, he was wearing a black suit jacket with a white shirt underneath, it was undone and you could see the purple silk lining. His hair was fairly short and dark brown. He held riding crop in his hand and when I saw that my eyes widened and fell to the floor. Sim squeezed my hand. "Simon it's good to see you again." His voice was low and quiet but yet it had such a dominant tone.

"And you too Master Julian." He had to fight off the urge to go over and fall to his knees in front of him. "I apologise for my informality while greeting you." The Master smirked.

"Apology accepted. Now you must be Eli am I correct?" I don't look up but I nod.

"Please use your words." My mouth went dry and I bit my bottom lip.

"Yes sir. I'm sorry."

"Apology accepted. Now look up at me." I wait for Sims hand squeeze of encouragement and I do. Wow, his blue eyes were stern looking, his eyebrows were kept tidy and a small smirk played at his lips.

"Keep your eyes on me. What is your full name?" He asked.

"Elliot Morgan Davidson, Sir."

"And your age?"

"22 Sir." His eyes switched to Sim who was standing very still, his eye line lowered. I'd never seen him so quiet before. He's the more extroverted, talkative one of our duo.

"Kitten over here. Greet me, show your friend how it's done." With another squeeze of my hand he let go and moved towards the Master. He dropped to his knees in front of him, placing his hands on the mans shoes bowing his head, he waited until told and he moved to his left side, on his knees facing me his head down.

"Such an obedient little boy today aren't you." He ran his fingers through Sims hair and he practically melted. I saw the look of pure bliss in his eyes. It was nice.

"You see what Simon did there Elliot?" He asked me not looking up. I moved my eyes to him and nodded.

"Yes sir."

"Though he is a brat, this boy is one of the best submissive's in this club. I don't often let people bring in strangers but I've made an exception for him because I trust him." This caused Sim to blush heavily, which I don't see him do often, and smile, fighting the urge to move. With his hand still playing with Sims hair, the Master looked back at me.

"What got you interested in our community Elliot?" I think for a moment.

"I learnt about it from Sim, Sir." Remember to say Sir, it's not difficult. You did it in school you can do it now.

"You learnt about it from one of the best then." I smiled shyly and nodded.

"Yes sir I did."

"Considering you're not trained at all you're very respectful Elliot." My heart glowed excitedly.

"Thank you Sir" I smiled brightly but then I dropped it quickly, lowering my eyes. "I... I'm so sorry."

"What for?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"For being disrespectful?" My voice squeaked a little.

"I can assure you smiling when given a compliment isn't disrespect." There was a chuckle of amusement in his voice.

"I'm sorry sir."

"Stop apologising. There's no need to." I went to apologise again and stopped myself.

"Yes sir."

"I have a question for you. Do you wish to begin sub training here?" I feel like this was a trick question and that scared me so it took me longer to answer it.

"I would love to train here Sir but only if you wish it. If you don't want me here I won't come back and disturb you again... I..." I saw a disapproving look on his face. I pursued my lips and looked down.

"Eyes on me." My eyes shot up yet again. Shit. Shit. Shit. I keep being disrespectful to Master Julian. Sim is going to hate me.

My breathing starts to get a little bit more frantic as I see Master Julian stand up and come towards me. He's much taller up close. I look up at him, my eyes widen in fear. "This is a short test and I want you to do exactly what I say. If you ever get too uncomfortable say red and the test will end, no questions asked. Understood?"

"Yes sir" I say trying not to stutter.

"First I want you on your knees." I drop down to my knees quite hard, though it didn't really hurt. "Arms clasped together pulled back behind your back." I do what I think he means. He circles me and smirks.

"Stand up" I do so quickly. "Hands behind your head."

We continued with this call and response for a little while and it ended with me kneeling with my knees spread, my hands in front of me on the floor and my head pressed against the floor. I did feel ridiculous doing this but I was doing it for Sim so I followed every instruction as best l can. I heard his footsteps move away from me but I dare not look. I just held it.

"Look at me." He told me I looked up. "Do you remember what Sim did" my heart was beating fast from the quick movements but I nodded. "Crawl over to me and do exactly what he did."

Crawl... I didn't like the thought of what I looked like when I crawled. I took a deep breath before I crawled over to him and copied exactly what Sim did. I knelt down kept my eyes down. I heard him begin to chuckle. He ran his fingers through my hair which I really liked.

"When Simon told me he was bringing a friend I excepted another brat but you Elliot are an angel. Well done you did so well." I blushed deeply.

"Stand up for me, in front of me please" This was less of an order more of a request. I again did exactly what he asked. He ran his thumb across my cheeks and then across my bottom lip.

"We would love to have you as a member of our club Elliot. How could I ever deny someone as beautiful and obedient as you." I blush heavily. I've never been called beautiful before. I know it's probably a thing he says to all of the subs but it still makes me happy.

"You mean it Sir?"

"Yes Angel I do." My heart was racing. He picked up a small star shaped thing and placed it in my hand. "This is a drinks token. Get whatever you like on me. Now go and have fun. I'll start writing up your notes." He ran his fingers through my hair again and I positively melted.

"Thank you so so much sir. I really appreciate it. I promise you won't regret this." He cupped my cheeks and smiled.

"You're very cute angel." He then let me go and went over to Sim who was waiting obediently.

Master Julian picked up Sim and placed him on his knee. Sim buried his head into the mans neck and the Dom massaged his thighs.
"You did so well kitten, I'm proud of you for sitting so patiently. I know you don't find it very comfortable. You've been such a good boy today." He kissed his head gently then held onto his face with both hands and kissed him deeply.

"Next time we play you'll be rewarded but in the mean time" he passed him over a drinks token and after kissing his forehead he let us go.

(Thank you for reading Checkmate.
I apologise at how short the chapter is, I didn't even realise how short it was until I put it in here.
I hope you enjoyed the second chapter.
You have met Master Julian, what are your first impressions of him?
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💟 Delilah 💟)

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