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He smiled at me and all I saw was a dark blur before I was grabbed by my corset and thrown.

I twisted my body to grab Aurelius' outstretched arm and put all the momentum in yanking on his arm so I didn't move and landed on my feet as he got slammed in the ground.

I jerked my head and a spike of earth shot up up through his mouth and back of his head before curb stomping it, knowing this was nothing to him.

The spike turned to dust under my foot and smashed his face into the ground before a strong gust of wind sent me back, tumbling as I couldn't catch myself and land on my ass.

I pulled my body in a spin on my back to end up on my hands, creating a fire vortex around me before I put my feet down as the momentum was gone.

I waved my arms in a circle, water pulled from the air into a spinning loop around me, flexing my hand at ready.

I punched the air, the part of the water in front of my fist freezing over and turning into an ice shard that shot out, doing this several time as he ran at me, dogging most before I shot the rest of the water our in a white mess to blind him.... Snow?

Well it is made of water so....

I send myself backwards as he hit the ground and it cracked just where I was standing, emerging from the snow cloud I made.

I landed and planted my feet firmly and with a fluid motion of my left arm whipped the nearby sand from a training patch at him, flicking my wrist to melt it and splashing him with glass but I couldn't control that anymore, I am not that advanced in wild magic.

I punched at the air, sending rock hard chunks of sand he tried to deflect only to have his arm wave through it and hit his body, reacting like water and earth would as one element depending on the density.

But I gave up when he bent the elements back at me and I needed to somersault through the air to avoid shard of glass being chucked at me and frozen them to the ground.

Fire danced on my skin as I ran at him, putting my hands on and step vaulting my feet over the huge chuck on ice that was sent my way before rolling to avoid another, leg kept straight as I rolled to hit him in the chest and standing up with the roll, reeling my fist back and punching him, flames erupting from my hand.

I crossed my arms in front of me as he produced black lightning, sending me flying off him from its strength even if I deflected as much of it as I could in the second I had before I was hit.

Rolling on the ground added to my scraps and bruises but nothing as bad as my side was but even with all these I could still move, I nodded to still move.

I looked at the red lightning burns on my forearms and my smoking body, trying to control the tremble this attack caused before I felt a kick to my unhurt side, picking me off the ground enough so I fell on my back.

I spanned my head to the side milliseconds before his foot slammed down and dug my head half way into the ground forcing me to close my eye to not get dirt into it, saving my nose from a bad and potentially fatal break.

I swung up at him but my fist got caught and twisted.

I screamed at the crack I heard and pain I felt, snaking my other arm around his leg to blast his face with whatever element that came first which this time was water.

I pulled myself from the dirt and looked at my hand, my wrist was messed up but it just looked misplaced, muscles pulled and bones shifted around but not snapped or broken.

I jumped up by exploding the ground underneath me to avoid his ice, and with a wave of my good right hand sent the ice flying at him.

I landed and held out both arms, flexing my good one, palm facing the ground before snapping it around so it was facing the sky and let out a smaller cry of pain as I had expected it to hurt as my wrist was set back in place, I thought so, I somehow controlled my blood outside my body so inside should be even easier since it is not free flowing, I just straightened all the veins in my wrist and hand and got all to pop back into place.... I will have a huge bruise.

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