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"I never thought I'd see someone like you here." I turned my eyes to the side to meet with unfamiliar yet familiar eyes. (this is for you friend, remember what we said for your character.)

I stared into blue dragon like eyes

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I stared into blue dragon like eyes.

Silver hair was possible to others but rare but eyes like mine I never heard off.


"Yeah strange they let me come righty? Well it isn't that I wanted to anyway." She had long brown hair and didn't speak like a noble. I couldn't read her face as her mouth was covered with leather mask, her whole get up was black leather with a huge halberd axe on her back, she was Calypso's height but I had never seen someone like this. 

"Your eyes."

"Yeah I know we the same but don't worry your head amma not say shit." I was confused at what she was talking about.

"Michell." A girl walked up to grab her arm. "Lets go the trial l start." Was all she said, dressed in a similar outfit without the mouth cover, I just watched them go.

"You know she came to size you up right?" Em said, walking up to me, having seen but not not heard what she said.

"Yeah I know." I said, thinking about what the hell she was talking about, maybe the eyes.... That could mean she is really powerful too... Do humans with a lot of power develop dragon eyes? I got to do research.

I looked around and raised an eyebrow, walking to a sleeping figure, nudging them with my boot.

"Who dares to awake me?!" Oh gods, she looks really young but from her get up and simply that remark I could say it wasn't the case.

"Trials are starting, wake or be disqualified."

"And who are you to talk to me like this?" She is arrogant and looks at me as if I was lesser, not another Ethan kind of person.

"The court mage, silver dragon."

"Well silver dragon you'll get ma boot in the shin!" And childish. "You don't fuck with Bonnie Brittle of Bravereá!"

"I don't care for whatever tittle you have, I was just being fair." I waved of the uneasy feeling I got for a second, glancing at her weird get up and bag before shrugging and turning away. "I didn't want to easy of a win."

"As if you could win, you'll see silver dragon." She crossed her arms with a huff and I was already done speaking with anyone else for the day, walking away.

"Em, end me now."

"I can't do that Mysty we got trials to win."

"Competitors!" Unlike yesterday today if was Calpso's voice that rang out over the crowd. "As you know several acres have been set up for this event but the next trial will not take place in here. The first trial was about mental strength and the second shall be abut you endurance! Each of you has been given a necklace with an orb, the orb will track you. The trial is of observation and direction along with endurance, each and everyone one of you will be set free on the obstacle course on which you need to navigate and search for the next obstacle, the first ten to complete the course will be exempt from the second part of the trial that will not yet be revealed."

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