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"We leave you alone for a bit of time before hearing you are coughing your lungs out to find out an elemental mage used wild magic and brought back the old head mage from literal death."

"Don't even ask Ethan, I stopped question her a long while ago." Audrey said, patting his shoulder as I affixed my weapons on my body, a sparkly yellow drink downed like a shot to give my energy back.

"I am a dragon after all." I said while I froze my staff to my back.

"I thought that only applied to the purple flames."

"You have much to learn about me general, is everyone ready?" The second part was directed at the king, Belladonna long having been taken away to finish what I didn't do and make sure she doesn't deteriorate again, I don't know how it was this easy to enter the spirit plains but it could take up days and we don't have that much time.

"Yes, all await."

"Then lets move, to the capitol."

These tunnels were large but still seemed crowded by the humans, halfmen and whatever other race joined in hiding her and took part in our quest.

This was a long walk but in a straight line so it would not take as much time as on the surface.

The king walked in from with me tailing him, Audrey behind me still playing with the Wither Away flower, to both of our greatest pleasure she did overpower one of them and this was a new one, Audrey was followed by Ethan and close behind the rest of the people.

The promise of battle and death lead this march to be done in silence, all reflecting on stuff.

"Mystery?" I looked at Audrey, distracting me from my murderous thoughts. "Calm down." I sighed feeling her hand on my shoulder and snuffed out my flame. 

"Sorry, just..."

"I get it don't worry but let your anger out in another way then flaming the whole place up."

"And your idea?"

"I don't know, water?" I made a ball of water in the air and looked at her, throwing it from a hand to the other.

"Soaking." I said dropping it and magic-ing my gloves dry, they were fire resistant not water resistant.

"Then talking?"

"It doesn't distract me that much."

"Then I don't know sorry, I wish I could help."

"You are enough of a help as it is don't worry."

"We'll do this together."

"Yes.... Together." Oh if only you knew of my end goal.

I ended up softly humming my emotions into a song made up on the spot, I heard it and those close to me but the clinging and clacking of the army behind us drowned it out from their ears, arm clasped behind my back too casually for the situation.

(I couldn't have done this book without somehow slotting this song in it, it fits Mystery so much and yes I changed lyrics before some small parts just really didn't fit, small parts)

I must contain my anger, or I won't control my power-
But gods! How long I've waited just to see this very hour! 
It's just as well I'm not the one who calls the storm of fire--- 
Or I would turn this battle plain into your funeral pyre!

The priests all say I must not hate--- but I will not pretend.
I saw the wreck you made of her, my Master and my friend---
The scars you left in flesh and soul will be so slow to fade---
Oh, would I had your coward heart beneath my naked blade!

I must control my rage, or lose ability to plan,
I must direct the fight from here, not charging in the van.
As you will likewise do, no doubt, for all that you are cruel
And revel in shed blood and pain, I think you are no fool.

But in the name of all the gods, you're all that I despise,
Who planned to take by treachery my kingdom as your prize---
My throne, my life, my people. All, you plotted to despoil---
By tricks that only miracles enabled us to foil.

I must control my fury or let slip all that I've sought-
But vengeance would not be enough for all the grief you've wrought.
Gods grant this day you fall beneath the steel of me and mine---
And drink full deeply of defeat, that cold and bitter wine.

I felt the eyes of those that heard me on me but stared ahead in cold furry I have towards that man.

My crown is on my brow, my naked blade within my hand.
My army like an eager hound lies waiting my command.
With how you tortured, killed and lied revealed to them this day---
By all the stars that ever shone,By all the gods, known and unknown,
For Head Mage and my Queen's Own---I swear that you will pay!

I swear you will pay, just you way.

You'll die in the maws of a very angry dragon.

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