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"Be nice too her okay? I cannot do the road back with you." I whispered to Arial, my head against her neck and rubbing her shoulder as she stomped her hoof. "Arial please, I'll get you sweet potatoes from chef Rammsi." She huffed. "A deal it is."

"You are right, a mule in horse costume." I chuckled and turned to Amalia.

"Ssh she'll hear you." I joked with a smile.

"Oh no what will become of me now?" I chuckled softly.

"Don't worry, I just bribed her with sweet potatoes, she won't buck you off."

"Nice to know."

I laced my fingers together to give her a boost on the horse's back and adjusted the stirrups for her despite the weird feeling the slimy feeling under the bandages, it was like a healing balm or something so I'll deal with it.

"Mage Amalia does look.... Small." I laughed as I walked up to the princess and glanced back at Amalia.

"What can I say Highness? Arial is a war horse and she is a small woman, I need to pulled myself on her back each time so I know her height."

"I know but just the contrast."

"A tall pony is best suited for her."

"Well mage let's get going shall we?"

"We already wasted a day here so we need to get back, they'd need our help finishing up in a weeks time."

I offered my hand to help her in the carriage and did the same for the queen.

"We've ready guards, Amalia. Get it going coachman, we don't stop until nightfall and only if the night is too dark." I said before closing the door, discretely setting the enchantment again, the one I set the first night on the door.

The carriage ride was mostly silent with me on the look out, I wouldn't stand guard at night tho, that was the elves job so Amalia and the young human guard could sleep too, each elf is taught in wild magic if they show the slightest incline to it so we might as well be surrounded by six wild mages.

I leaned my head back against the carriage wall with closed eyes, the small rocking and shaking of it on the uneven path wasn't painless despite how well the elves molded the wild magic to repair me body, it needed to heal completely on it's own.

What worried me in that attack was the void that the princess made killed all the hostile wild magic, that means one single person was responsible for all this.

A wild mage can be extremely deadly, if they somehow master the wild magic on a higher level who knows how much destruction they will cause, we too can be dangerous but only use the magic from inside us while wild magic lives in everything, it is like water, without it, they die, only us elementals are missing it as our own source of magic keeps us going.

There is several ways of killing us which is why the training must start as early as possible, to have the most time to work and master our gift.

One way is the traditional all know, the murder, the easy and simple murder, poison and all that stuff.

A second way is by the soul, the soul can directly be attacked as magic is intangible so from a young age, the moment we arrive, we are put under training to try to protect ourselves from spiritual attacks.
You feel so vulnerable and weak in those moments, the invader seeing who you are in reality, knows every little thing of you.

I had had a strong defense to start with because of my determination for my secrets to remain secrets but the time I cracked under the pressure was what lead to Belladonna suspecting my powers being greater then what she saw.... If your soul is taken over despite you not wanting to they have a grip and a say in what you do as long as you don't fight them off, a battle between mages can be fought with a blade, magic or minds and it was often all at the same time if we needed to truly kill.

A third way would be to deprive us from our magic, it is just like water, like blood, without it we can't live, only powerful banned magic can do that, what I did to the potential murderer was seal away his ability to use it for spells but I would considered a criminal of the highest degree if I were to steal the wild magic out of him because it would be like bleeding him dry.

Banned spells are extremely dangerous spells that caused the death of many casters and even a greater deal of innocents. 

The most well known banned spell is the resurrection spell. Bringing a person back to life after they died requires such heavy sacrifices you'd wonder who would even attempt it? It was once said it was attempted and a whole kingdom fell, the plants, animals and the inhabitants withering away, structures going up in dust, the ground discoloring and turning to dust and the spell tried to expand further to suck more life to try to bring one back life.

That day all those that could cast magic, wild and elemental, from all races stood for three days and three nights fighting the spread of it, they all died one by one but the spell was stopped and the mage trying to cast it was executed for their actions. That generation had no mages that remained alive after that almost catastrophe.

The kingdom gone so long ago that it lost its name and now it is simply called the cold desert, the whole kingdom once gloriously described was now sand and dust, the petrified bodies of all those that fought that still remain fixed into stone to this day, as if guarding the cold desert, ready to awaken if anything were to happen.

This is the danger of wild magic and if the mage attacking us was so powerful who knows how many more of them like that there are? And what if they got together? An evil guild? What irreversible damage could be done to our world?

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