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(before we start, yah know I found a theme song for Mystery and Emersme? this one would be a theme song for both wouldn't it be? and yes I will continue looking for theme songs for whatever character, putting it here because I said so and this might be a bit too late for this but this is the closest voice I found for Mystery's head canon yet... sorry if it changes your head canon lol)

"Where are we going exactly? Like the main library?" Audrey said, having long slowed her pace as we walked but not letting go of me.

"Exactly, Seraphim mentioned a dragon that is still alive that saw her hatch... Somehow... So he or she should be able to explain a few things in more detail since she is gone..." I sighed deeply as I felt Audrey squeeze my hand. "No matter how much I try I can't escape the center of attention can I?"

"Doesn't seem so but don't worry you won't be alone."

"I won't let it happen, I won't lose someone else."

"Then we better take the shadow of evil out soon right?"

"I like that name for him, he's literally that."

"Yes he is."

The libraries door were huge, a dragon still needs to fit through them after all, ornate and golden with silver etchings, on each opening half having those two colors shape a stylized dragon. 

The shelves were so high, ladders of many feet rested against each, some when having a rope draped over them to climb up if the ladder was too short.

The ground was of red marble that was mirror-like in shininess.

These were simple useless books to a peasant but it was a treasure cave to those that could see the worth in the past being documented, so much knowledge, I wouldn't be surprised in many books told of stories so old there would be no way of even translating the words like I did for the hidden book, dragons living longer then the seemingly eternal elves.

It finally fell down, how long I could live because of my blood and what it would mean.

"Arianwyn?" I looked up at Audrey. "Are you alright? You looked lost."

"Seraphim said being part dragon I'll have their lifespan, maybe shorter as Merlin is a human but still."

"Are you worried about living longer then I do?"

"No, a simple spell exists to bind the person with the shortest life to the one with the longest, letting the younger one in theory age as if they were part of their lover's species."

"So we wouldn't change, right? Once a dragon if full grown it doesn't changes if I remember right."

"Yeah I might as well remain looking the same as a human but everyone else, your mother, your sibling, my siblings, Nix, Arial, the trees, the seasons, the castle, the world, all those will change and pass while we'll remain."

"That's why long lived beings like dragons and elves prefer staying away from us humans who have the shortest lives of anyone."


"We'll think of a way yes? There have been archives of many people living longer, who knows maybe they had the same fear and bonded all those they knew to the longest life."

"True.... Lets worry about this later shall we? We have a dragon to find."

"Alright but tell me if you come to worry, you know I'll be here for you." I just smiled warmly at her.

The library seemed endless and there was now a huge pile of books blocking our way from going further in.

And we needed to get passed it so I let Audrey climb in front of me, ready to catch her if needed.

"Audrey!" I yelled when she screamed.

"I'm fine, I just stepped on something." She pointed at nothing as the books started tumbling down the pile as it shook in a deep rumble.

Two bright red wings rose from under to book as a thin but long dragon rose from it.

(bigger then the picture)

"Do my eyes play with me or has the old queen rose from the ashes

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"Do my eyes play with me or has the old queen rose from the ashes...." It spoke in a surprisingly high voice for a dragon, the S's shooting up the tea kettle whistling high which in itself was impressive for a dragon, a deep voice being the norm for their species but maybe it is because of the age he would be at right now, a record even for dragons.

"Your eyes do deceive you sire dragon, her soul's last resting place along with Merlin's has been struck down not long ago."

"Then you must be their youngling, no hair shone that silver since the day our dear queen gotten her godly gift."

"Yeah.... I am the lost.... Egg." I said, my silver flames racing down my arms for show of my words.

"You are indeed, as humans know purple flames are reserved to dragons but silver was Seraphim's bloodline trait."

"I learnt of this not long ago and already lost my one guide to this side of my life."

"Mmm you did say their soul was struck down so that means that old elm has fallen."

"It has... A staff of mine and a seed given to me by them along with our memories of it is all that remains"

"The darkness residing in the wildness of magic took form again."

"Aurelius.... Yes he's back, Seraphim told me to look for a dragon that was alive when she hatched and they'd be able to help with..... With stuff."

"You found him youngling."

"I hoped I had."

I looked up at him with a sigh, searching but with no questions, lost but with no answers.

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