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I spun my staff in my hand, no need to use magic to be sure it didn't fly from me, the elm trusted me and I did too, so what was once its branch wouldn't have ill intent towards me and want me to fail.

I grabbed it and snapped it along the back of my arm, hand perfectly in the middle of the straight wooden staff, having had the bark and smaller branches stripped off but other than that nothing was changed.

I spun it and sent it flying in the air with a kick, making it spin the other way before catching the end of it and boosting it up enough for it to spin and let me grab the middle of it, lowering my arm slightly to block a strike from behind.

"No matter the time I try I can never seem to catch you off guard can I?" I smiled and turned my head enough to look at Leo and his wooden sword I blocked.

"No it never seems possible is it?" I asked, pushing him back and spinning on myself while I grabbed the staff with two hands and snapped it at his head.

"Never seems so." He said, blocking my strike with his own wooden training weapon, made with his magic so it wasn't as frail as the wooden sword toys kids used.

He thrusted his arm forth, blasting earth right out from the ground next to his feet.

I bent back and secured a hand on the ground and kicked up my feet, catching him right in the chin as I landed on my feet.

I kicked the ground to make three reasonable sized stone jump up in the air which I hit one after the other with the staff, sending them flying straight at Leo.

He ducked them and brushed his hand across the ground and thrusted it into the air, the ground breaking as it shot up in spikes towards me.

I spin my staff and suddenly stopped its motion, catapulting a fire forming on its end into the spike, shattering them.

We stared down a little before he charged at me.

When he attacked I blocked and when I attacked he blocked.

Fighting wasn't about who was the strongest, I saw it more as a dance, understand your opponent, accompany them--

He stepped forth, missing his strike.

--And exploit their mistakes!

I thrusted my foot behind his and yanked it back in a backwards half circle to make him fall over, staff spun once and resting on his throat.

Wordlessly I threw my staff away as he stood, discarding his sword.

I enlarged my stance with my right foot pushed behind, standing three quarters view to him, hands up and facing the sky.

His stance was large with his knees bent, low to the ground, a hand hovering by his chest and the other hovering over the ground.

Through out our years here we had many fights and we'll have many more but each was unique in its own rights.

I pulled a hand back and threw it out towards him, a jet of flame racing, he picked his hanging hand up and threw it up in the air, creating a dirt wall.

I spun on myself, on leg picked up and a trail of flames following it, with a sharp stop of the spin to my core body the fire went flying, cracking through the wall.

He waved his hand in a circular motion, grasping my fire in his own magic and throwing it back at me.

With one slapping motion I sent a gust of wind to extinguish it.

I flexed my hands with a smirk and thrusted one out, creating a pillar underneath my feet, sending me into a spin through the air, foot colliding with his crossed forearms over his head.

I set my other foot down and pushed off him while letting magic trail them like fire, catching him of guard as I yanked one of my foot underneath me just in time to brace it and pull my other leg around to kick him in the chin as I didn't wish to go for a low blow on my brother in mage-hood.

My second foot set on the ground as his left it, head snapped back from the force.

I threw both of my hand out and let free a jet of air that sent him tumbling off the training field of the castle and into the still grassy part.

I walked to my staff and kicked it in the air to catch it without needing to bend down, doing the same for his wooden sword.

"Be happy I am conscious about how much pain you'd be in if I didn't hit your chin but lower." I told him as he got on his knees.

"Lucky me a kick there is still very painful for you women too right?" He said with a smile looking up at me.

"I still haven't forgiven you for that, I might not have those two soft dangly things over there but I still wasn't walking straight." I held out his wooden blade to him.

"I know, Belladonna thought you finally had done it with a man." He grabbed it and with the help of it I pulled him on his feet.

"I will never do it with a man and I'll wait whom has my heart for that."

"Oh I know but it was still amusing to see that interaction."

"Maybe I should have kicked you there."

"Yeah no thanks."

"Lets get going sister shall we?"


I smiled as I looped my arm into his as we walked off, I wonder why the princess wanted to see me after I was done with training.

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