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(told you you'd hate me and I do myself too)

Scorching pain ran through my face as I slowly burnt the cut close, I didn't deserve anything else but pain.

Leo and Amalia went out looking for whatever clue they could find as Em stayed with me in the house saying some weird shit like I wasn't stable enough.

I grabbed my upper arms tightly.

Why did I do it.

Wait I did nothing.

Or am I trying to convince myself I didn't.

Did I sneak out?

I cheated?

No Mystery you'd never do that.

You'd never hurt Audrey.

But you did it.

I didn't.

Why would she have seen you with the woman in another case?

That wasn't me!

You sure? She is not an idiot.

I am!

Why did she see you in that case?

I don't know!!!

You did it!


You did!


You monster!

Shut up!

You whore!


"Mystery!!" I blinked, escaping my own mind to look Em in the eyes. He smiled softly, worried but happy I was looking at him. "It will be alright, we'll get to the bottom of this, now let go of your arms before you burn them.

I unclasped my tense hands with some difficulty.

"There we go, will you let me clean your face off." I looked away from him. "Is that a yes?" He asked gently.

I glanced at him and gently nodded, the pain my face was in nothing compared to my heart, it hurt so damned much I just wanted to reach in and rip it out to stop it from hurting.

He nodded at me and led me to the couch and sat me down, I just stared at my lap, my mind fighting itself as there was no logical answer as to why this all happened, blaming myself and yelling that it isn't the truth all at the same time.

I saw him crouch in front of my and tilt my head up with a hand under my chin and gently passing a cloth on my skin but I didn't really see him, staring straight through him at nothingness.

I just completely shut down, I knew I did, I couldn't will my body to react, all this weighing too much on me, only tears rolled from my eyes, none stop.

This hurt more then my parents death, so much more.

I couldn't imagine my life without her and here I was.... Being hated for living, she tried to kill me.

That thought alone made me cry more.

Em brought me too my room and took my weapons so I could sleep comfortably but I didn't want to be in there, I didn't want to be in a place she had been in once.

So I slipped out my window once he was gone.

I walked aimlessly but avoiding all other mages and people, this time the storm raging inside didn't manifest outside as if I let loose I'd hurt the plants and people in the castle and I wanted to hurt no one.

I avoided my dear elm as she spilt my blood in its garden, so much hate and pain in her eyes that I couldn't forget, avoiding all my defenses and burning itself into my soul.

I wanted to scream and shout but I couldn't let it out, I am the queen's mage, I can't damage the queen's property, that being me or anything else.


Queen's property....

Audrey wants nothing from me.

I am just property.

She doesn't want me to win anymore.

I should just give up.

She doesn't want me anymore.

I heard a scared but pissed scream as I picked up my head. 

She hates me but I can't let her be hurt.

I ran to her window hearing angry yelling but couldn't make out the words from all the noise and someone yelling right back.

I tried to will the vines to listen but they didn't move and I heard glass breaking and her scream, cold sweat dripping down my back in fear.

I grabbed on the vines and started to climb the wall and then grab the stone bricks when the vines stopped, pulling myself on the window sill.

"Aud--Highness is everything..." I froze. "...Alright..." I whisper meeting eyes I never thought I would.

My own.

Audrey had been yelling with me?

Everyone was shocked frozen.

Slowly my surprise turned into anger as the puzzle became whole in front of my eyes as I stared into ones identical to mine.

"SKIN TAKEEEEEEEER!!!!" I bellowed in pure anger as I launched at her.

As my magic was a no go and I was weaponless I just clawed her face with my fingers, nails can easily tear skin and I was pissed.

"You fucked it up!" The taker yelled and shoved me back and punched me, I tumbled out the window but dragged them out and made them take the brunt of the shock and land on them.

"IT WAS YOU!!! YOU DID THIS!!!" I screamed while lifting them by their col before reeling my fist back and hitting them so hard the ground also hit them back.

I just did it over and over.


"Because the dark lord would pay well~" I fumed, this swine!! He worked with the darkness?!?

"You.....I'll make you spit you guts!!"

It took some unbelievable amount of self control I don't know where I got from to not beating the life out of the taker and get the other mages involved.

I just marched away from the scene after I briefly told them why was there a second Mystery.

I went to the elm and stared up at it before tears came from my eyes.

I started sobbing again.

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