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The ballroom still had my flowers in the air with the higher up decorations but an extremely long table was in the middle of the room so the fifty remaining guests with the royal family and us could sit at it.

The queen and her children sat on the far right end with Belladonna being the person right after it, me being it on the other side.

I knew no one would try anything else but I still kept my senses sharp, scanning the royal dishes for poison but who'd be stupid enough to try twice in the same day.

I kept to a minimum, never being a big eater.

I also wanted the evening to finally be over but didn't voice it, I didn't like doing this to my hair and just wanted to head back to Nix and get the lettuce head to Arial but I kept it a silent even if my undying hate for social gathering radiated off me in bigger doses the longer this went on.

And then came the part I really didn't appreciate so late.


My age long foe I couldn't escape as a court mage.
I knew many things from magic to history but dance was something I didn't find myself excelling at, I was good but something was missing from my dances compared to Calypso or even Em, something I just couldn't pinpoint but didn't really try too.

"Will you offer me the first dance sister?" I smiled at Em who was slightly bowing his head with a foot pulled slightly behind to other, right arm bent behind his back and offering me his left, smile echoing my own.

"Gladly brother." I said, taking his hand and doing a small courtesy with a slight bigger smile.

He held my hand in his and set his right hand on my hip while I took mine and set it on his shoulder.

"I wish this would be done faster." I whispered as we and many other people danced the same dance.

"Ah yes, the mighty mage Mystery not liking dancing." He chuckled as we turned.

"What can I say? I prefer solitude to gathering." I shrugged, not really listening to the music, all the moves and variations engraved into my head with the years of training.

"You always did, vanishing when you could even from our training."

"Even that was too much social time for me at times Em, have you forgotten who I am?"

"How would I? You are like the person no one can miss."

"It gets tiring at times."

"But you seem to be getting along well with her Highness."

I let him spin me on myself for a few seconds before stopping the spin.

"She is interesting to talk to, not tiring like the rest, a fresh face with whom I never conversed before."

"I saw you riding with her."

"Anyone can ride with who they want Em."

"But you rarely do."

"As I said-" I let him spin me once more. "-She is breath of fresh air, don't go thinking I will set you up with Eleric you have to work for it yourself."

"Couldn't you help out a brother, please?"

"If you want to win a man's heart you need to work for it I will not pre-chew the work for you."


"I can introduce you guys but you do the work."

"It's something at least." The song ended and we did a small courtesy before mingling and going to new partners, I ended up dancing with prince Mirrel for one song, Calypso, an old monarch that came with his son, a maid that go wrapped up on this and a gentleman that was part of the court of the queen, a councilman if you will.

I twirled slowly, stopping myself and bowing as the last note was strum before turning to my last partner of the night.

"Mage." She took my hand I offered her, striking the same pose as all the men I danced with did, telling her I'd take the lead simply by being the one to offer my hand first.

"Your Highness." I said, gently holding her hand and setting my other on her side as the song started again. "I see no sadness shine in your eyes Highness."

"I knew what you said to me was true but I think I just needed to hear it once, let the men and women against my coronation seethe in anger."

"It pleases me to know I could be of some help." I said, spinning her, her dress flaring out like a blooming flower.

"Some help? You mage is the reason for my joy as my worries flew away."

"Words can leave heavy impacts."

"They sure can mage."

"As long as the Highness is happy the impact wanted occurred, they'll see how grandiose you are Highness."

"Stop with the flattery you'll make me fluster."

"This is no flattery just the truth, purple eyed queens have long been gone from the throne and each time one is born from the ritual it is said that change will occur."

"Good or bad?"

"It depends on the queen herself Highness, I can only sense good intentions coming from you so I wouldn't fear the darkness."

"You overestimate me by far mage, such high praise when we haven't known each other for long."

"You deserve it your Highness don't doubt yourself, I am a good judge of character when it comes to this."

"And yet yourself are a mystery to all." I twirled her before pulling her back.

"I sure am, only I know certain things about me."

"You intrigue me mage, makes me want to find out the truth."

"Many have failed Highness and many more will."

"Yes but I am not like 'many more' and as you say, if you are such a good judge of character you'd know this."

"Feel free to try yourself at my defenses Highness, they are made of the strongest of steels."

"Never challenge me too a battle you'll lose mage."

I twirled her once and stopped it right away as the last note echoed, I brought her hand to my mouth and kissed her knuckles with a bow before straightening myself, looking down at her.

"Good luck your Highness." I said, both going our separate ways.

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