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"How do you feel Arian-- Myster--Euh." I looked up at Audrey who was struggling.

"I might have been born Arianwyn but Mystery has long became my name too not just a cover."

"Okay so Mystery you'll be.... How do you feel?"

"Overwhelmed." I said simply as I stood up, flipping my staff diagonally over my shoulder and across my back before freezing it to my corset so I could carry it without it needing to always be in my hands, I am stupid for not thinking of this earlier.

"Understandable, this is shocking and I'm not even the concerned individual."

"Yes, all my life being a lie, I wasn't human to begin with, which is why I could do what I could do with such ease, my parents being Merlin himself and Seraphim herself, I can barely wrap my head around it."

"So now being a silver dragon isn't only a title." I snorted softly at the attempt of a joke.

"Seems so, I did somehow become one."

"Can you do that at will or did they not tell you how?"

"She said it is another muscle to work on so I need to find it somehow and with training I might be able to do it on will."

"Just like how I should be able to get this void down if I could stop these flowers you gave me."

"The Wither Aways and yes, everything comes with practice, maybe one day I'd get my wild magic to catch up to my elemental but it is rusted over, this healing spell might have been impressive and easy looking but I wouldn't be able to heal a cut now."

"It will be alright." She hugged me, I most likely looked down or something. "You aren't alone."

"Right but we need to get ready."

"What you mean?"

"Just come." I walked to where the others were still in their night outfits since compared to my and Audrey they weren't lazy to change out of their day clothes tho I wouldn't mind to see her in her night clothes..... A bit off track Mystery don't you think? "So you know we need to flee from here."

"Yeah and warn the dragon queen.... Or replacement dragon queen." Leo said.

"Lets not go there right now." I sighed out. "So since I can talk to the elm as easily as with Arial for example I could try and reach out to her to but I don't think I'd be able to do anything else as I never did it at such distance and with a dragon and I know the horn your Majesty has to call the dragons to war is not in an attainable place in the little time we'll have."

"So the exact plan?" Belladonna asked, as if I was the master not her.

"I think of doing as they had said, using the underground way to the castle, take the advisers out and head to the roof, they shouldn't look there for a while while I try to contact the dragon queen and if that fails we either fight until she arrives and deal with it from there or I can try to change once again and carry all even if last time it was anger fueled.... If anyone has a better idea just say it, I am no master nor head mage yet even if I know I can no longer avoid that title being given to me."

"If this is suicide and with no way out." Em said stepping forth and putting a hand on my shoulder. "I would still follow you, I'll stand by you until the very end, you've shown me many things and I am not losing you right now."

"Yes I showed you many things but you shouldn't go imitating my hand burning tenancies." I said with a smile making him laugh.

"What can I say? Pushing passed our limits comes with consequences."

"They sure do."

"You are my sister and I think I speak for everyone here, mage or not, but we trust in your capabilities and judgement." Calypso said and I saw several nods.

"Right lets go to the two ghosts then."

"Lead the way." Audrey nudged me.

"So you finally decided to do as we said." Seraphim raised an eyebrow. "A bit longer and the current dragon queen would have gotten here faster then completing your plan you asked for in time."

"Right but we here now."

"Alright." Merlin said and waved his arm, a hole opening as the roots shifted. "This will lead you inside the castle.


"Arianwyn." I turned back to them, having already turned to the tunnel, their hand together with light coming from it before opening it with one single elm tree seed floating there. "Might not be much but keep this with you, the sword is a gift from the far past, the staff is a gift of the close past but this would be a gift of today and tomorrow, to always have part of us with you and, who knows, maybe you'll grow a tree from it." Seraphim explained.

I grabbed it, it didn't have any magical properties to it, a simple seed but it was indeed still part of them I could always have with me

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I grabbed it, it didn't have any magical properties to it, a simple seed but it was indeed still part of them I could always have with me.

I smiled and tucked it in between my corset and undershirt.

"Oh and one last thing." Merlin added, pointing at mine and Audrey's dragon stone jewelry which had been insignificant enough in the grand scheme of things that I even forgot I was wearing them. "Those are gems that can be infused with magic and store it, no writings are left on them but trust me they are not simple gems that cost a lot."

"Okay." I nodded and the ground shook as blood appeared on the ghostly form of Merlin, right in the middle of his chest. "Merlin!"

"You need to go now!" Seraphim yelled as a gash appeared on her face as the ground shook again. "They are finally coming after the elm to see if anything is under it."

"What will happen to you?" I asked, worried for their safety.

"That doesn't matter!! Go!! We'll hold them back!! Go!!" She yelled but with no anger, more scared for our, more specifically my, well being, I could see it in her eyes. "Go and don't look back!! If they get down here Aurelius will soon know of it if the advisers are still alive!!"

"Right.... Right..."

"Arianwyn we love you don't forget that."

"Right.... I... Do too." I said a bit awkwardly but felt it necessary to not leave it at just that without answering them, I took a deep breath jogging to the tunnel and inside it, hearing people follow as more blows to the tree shock the ground.

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