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The castle grounds were big, my small village could fit in here nice and comfortably.

It needed this much place for the servants quarters with the weapon and armor smith, our elemental mage quarters, the gardens and the castle for the royal family.
That's why there was enough place for the huge elm that was the tallest in the land, grown by the first even mage to roam the land.

My feet softly thumped on the stone path as I walked down it.

"Hey Mysty!" I stopped walking and turned a quarter of a turn backwards to see Em jogging up to me, when we were younger he thought the other three had named Mystyry or something and had engraved that into his mind so by the time he had realized it was Mystery it was too late to change it because no one cared if he did or not.

I kept my hands clasped behind my back like I do so many times as I waited for him to catch up to me.

"Em." I greeted him with the slightest bow of my head, people always described my voice as cold as ice but warm like summer and smooth as honey, I never could comprehend how those three things could fit together so I just gave up trying and let them have it.

"Mysty." He said when he stopped near me, bowing his head slightly back at me as it was a more polite and formal form of greeting but between friend, the higher a person was in rank the lower you bowed your head, chin touching your neck/chest was the lowest it could go.

"What's got you so worked up this fine evening?" I asked him.

"The lion fur moss." He said with a smile, it was a plant that looked like really hairy moss but it was kept potted and wasn't exactly a real moss, it had an orange-ish tint to it, coming from the south in the heat where Calypso was from, a gift to her Majesty.

"What has come of it?"

"Nothing, the question is what has come of me." I thought for a second before smiling at him and jerking my head softly, indicating for him to walk with me.

"So you finally hear it."

"I still don't get how easy it was for you to understand the soul of that pot of orange and brown fuzzy moss, it might be the size of a house cat but it is so hard to talk with." I glanced back at the huge elm that had spent two slices of sun entertaining me before nodding at him.

"It isn't hard once you get it down, you even have an affinity towards plants. Amalia, Leo and Calypso are only at tulips, talking to the souls of plants is a high level magic."

"It sure is but I will train because I have a goal."

"To be the first to talk to the old elm tree eh?" I asked glancing to the side at his face, speaking a bit less formally then I would otherwise.

"Oh course that never changed! I will do it! Doesn't it fascinate you what type of stories it could tell from times passed?"

"Oh it does, it fascinates me." I said.

"Then you'll be the first person to which I translate."

"Gladly Em, gladly."

We walked in silence for a good long while, enjoying the song of bird and wind.

"Have you heard?" I looked at Em with a raised eyebrow waiting for him to go on. "Princess Audrey will be taking the throne."

"Well that's pleasant news." She was the second oldest of the four children of her Majesty, the fifth unfortunately still born from the stress of loosing her husband so many years ago, I respect whatever woman who can stand after such ordeal and go on with her life.

.Elementals.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora