All Of You (Hijikata Toshiro)

Start from the beginning

"Oh right. My birthday is coming up. I almost forgot again." (Y/N) exclaimed, raising a hand to cover her mouth in shock.

"Oh no, Toshi." (Y/N) lightly sighs. "Why are you so careless? Now, I don't know if I'll be able to act surprised then." She sighs with a hand placed on her cheek, a troubled look appearing on her face.

"My, my. You're so cute, Toshi!~" (Y/N) laughs softly, a serene smile appearing on her lips as she placed the notebook back under the covers. She then resumed her place back at her original position before Hijikata could notice that she had caught on to his plans.

"I've brought tea." Hijikata announces stepping back into his room carrying a tray. "Let's eat!~" (Y/N) claps her hands together with a smile.

'Huh? Is it just me or does she look even happier now?' Hijikata thought as he watched the woman hum softly to herself.

2 Days Before (Y/N)'s Birthday

"Wow. You look bad, Toshi. What's up?" Kondo asked Hijikata who seemed exhausted to the core. They were in the mess hall for lunch, usually at this time (Y/N) would drop by.

"I still....haven't picked out a gift for (Y/N) yet. I don't know what to get her." Hijikata sighs dramatically, as he weakly placed his daily dose of mayonnaise on his food.

"Get her a dog collar. Women like that stuff, I'm sure it'd look even better on (Y/N)-nee." Okita commented, in his usual monotone voice.

"I'm no sadist and she's no masochist."

"Hey, Toshi!!~" (Y/N) suddenly appeared out of nowhere with her own plate of food. "O-Oh! (Y/N)! Did you just get here?! Did you hear anything?!" Hijikata asked frantically as he gulped thickly.

"Nope. I didn't hear anything, was I supposed to?" She put on an innocent expression on her face and Hijikata sighed in relief. (Y/N) sat in front of him because Kondo was seated beside Hijikata.

'I've already found everything out....Toshi, you're just too cute!~' (Y/N) squealed in her mind with a small sigh.

"Oh! (Y/N)-chan, I just realized it, but isn't tomorrow your birt-" Kondo was cut off.

"Ah, mosquito!!!" Hijikata just slapped Kondo. "T-Toshi!? That hurt!" Kondo cried as he held his red cheek with tears pooling in his eyes.

"T-There was a mosquito, Kondo-san. A mosquito." Hijimata grinned darkly at Kondo. "Oh...I see. T-Thank you, Toshi."

"So, uh. (Y/N)," Hijikata cleared his throat as his eyes trailed back to (Y/N), who was busy eating her food. "Is there anything you've been wanting lately??" He asked as he averted his eyes trying to act casual.

'Oh. He's trying to find a gift. This'll be interesting, a little teasing could never hurt~' She giggled in her mind as she feigned an innocent expression.

"Anything I want? I'm not very materialistic, Toshi." She hummed, looking up in wonder. "W-Well- What if someone asked you to say something that you've really really wanted?" Hijikata laughs nervously, raising a finger to prove a point.

"Hm...If I had to choose something," (Y/N) trailed off, placing a finger to her lips she smiled. "I'd like a time machine!"

Hijikata's jaw dropped. "T-Time machine?... Ahaahaa, where would you use that?" Hijikata laughed, losing hope of finding a gift for her.

"I'd like to go back to the past, and if I could- I would've told my past self about you and tell her to find you. If I could, I would've met you sooner, Toshi!" She giggled as Hijikata sighed.

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