48 - Graduation And Another Surprise

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He feels her coming undone ontop of him and just as he starts to unwind he pulls out and releases ontop of both their chests.

They both breath heavily and Alex gets a wet towel to clean both of them but Evelyn pulls him to the shower with her.



🔸♦️Evelyn's P.O.V ♦️🔸

It's been rough dealing with so many things on my plate. Lately I've been less busy, with school, and work even gave me some time off to focus on my exams.

Dad took care of the business and found out about me being a cop, at first he wanted nothing to do with me.

Mary manged to convince him somhow but things are still shaky at the moment.

It's been nearly a year since I lost my baby and it still hurts to think about it. We try to steer clear of that topic, but if we do approach it, we try to keep it as short as possible.

Amanda has finally started walking aeound the house, though the whole house is practically covered in baby-proofing objects, Amnda still manages to hurt herself.

Today was my Graduation and I couldn't be more glad. I will finally finally be free from them.

All the seniors were waiting behind the stage for our names to be called.

Since My surname starts with T I will be near the end so I was busy fooling around with the twins and Alice.

He kept playing untill the twins where called  and after a few more minutes Alice was also called.

The principal continued down the list but skipped me. I was told to wait and be patient, still I was busy walking up and down the stage and after the last name was called the crowd went quiet for a few minutes before it was total chaos and very loud.

"Sorry for the delay." I hear a familiar voice speaking over the speakers.

I hear the curtain move and turn around to see someone holding the curtain aside. I step forward and see all of my Police colleagues standing in front of the stage.

When they saw me they, started with a salute before going on to do a drill line that ends up spelling my name.

"Evelyn." I hear some say my name and turn around to see a whole crowd of people standing together.

Looking at all their faces, I'm reminded of all the cases I closed during my few years at the Station.

"Don't cry yet." The voice says again I look up to see the projecter playing a video.

I regocnized the person as the girl who's brother was robbed and murdered. She was the first case I worked.

🔸♦️3rd person's P.O.V ♦️🔸

"Evelyn. Thank you, you're constant communication with me about the progress of my brother's case, was more than I could've expected from any police officer.

You helped bring justice to my brother and let justice take care of the person who had murderdd my brother.

You truly are, a one in a million, type of person." she says and then the video moves to another person and it kept going on and on. By the time the video ended I was full on crying

"Evelyn." Alex's voice rings through the speaker and I look at him as he points to the officers who are now standing in a different position as what they were before the video began.

They opened their shirts and the meaasge read as :

Will you
Be my

Evelyn looked at him as he got on his knee, pulling a ring from his pocket and looks at me expecting an answer.

I nod my head my voice disappearing from shock.

He slides the ring on my finger and I smile before looking at him seriously.

"Even I have a surprise." I say and Alex looks confused. I take his hand and places it on my lower stomach.

"Wait... You're...." He starts and I nod interrupting him before he starts to stick by saying one word over and over again.


Secret Service जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें