43 - Blowing My Own Cover

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"Anyways, I hear you're moving back." He says and I nod looking at the movers taking everything back into the outhouse.

"Miss, where do these go?" a mover asks holding a box and I excuse myself going back to throwing around orders



🔸♦️ Evelyn's P.O.V ♦️🔸

"Evelyn! Wake up!" Shouts are coming from outside the door.

"I'm up!" I shout back and get out of bed. I wrap a blanket over my shoulders and open the door.

Outside the room I see seven people. Carlos, Carmella, Shane, Chris, Alice, Nic and... Alex.

"Chris?" I ask seeing as, he's a few gears older than us and also finushed with scho.

"Of course she notices him." I hear Alex mumble and the others chuckle.

"Nope. Chris is my older brother, I'm Mark." Mark says and I nod

"Explains why you looked younger." I say and chuckle

"Anyways, why are you hammering on ny door as seven in the morning?" I ask turning to the other who whistle not innocently.

"We wanted breakfast." Alice says before anyone could

"But I don't ha-" before I could finish they each hold up a bag.

"Fine, give me fifteen minutes." I say and close the door.

I throw off the blanket, get my towel and head to the bathroom.

I take a shower and wash my hair, marveling at the fact that the colour was still washing out of my hair.

I finish, before brushing my teeth and wrapping a towel around my hair.

I get dressed and still leave the towel on my head.

Getting to the kitchen I see that most of the boxes have been unpacked and I see Shane and Mark still unpacking a few.

Alice sees me, and slaps Shane's arm and he in turn slaps Mark's arm.

I walk into the kitchen checking the cupboards, getting to the cups I see them on the right side and place them on the left side.

I motion for them to continue and they quickly do it.

As soon as they finish I flatten the boxes by unfolding them.

I place them in the broom closet and dust off my hands.

"Since you woke me up to make breakfast, it's only fair I ask for something in return.

Since you've already started unpacking, you might as well come and help me unpack this afternoon." I say and they nods, knowing that I'm just too lazy to do it.

"It's settled then while you unpack, I will be at work." I start with breakfast and feel someone stare at me.

"Where's Kate?" I ask curiously and the room dies down

"Don't know, don't care." Alex says surprising me, but I keep a neutral face although my heart started hoping.

I shrug and see the others looking at me curiously before going on with what they were doing.

I somehoe manage to make an excuse to not go to school and soon after they finished eating, they left for school.

A few minutes after they left, The Commander called and assigned me with a older officer as a partner.

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