14 - Home

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I run back to my bags and make my way to the front door. I ring the bell and could hear voices on the other end.



🔸♦️Nic's P.O.V ♦️🔸

🔹🔸🔹During Evelyn and Cap's sparring🔹🔸🔹

I finally reached home after hours on the road. Ever since Evelyn got taken right in front of dad he's locked himself away from everyone.

Mom's due date is a few months away, and I'm happy for her, but the way things are going she might have to deliver the baby alone.

"Mom! I'm home!" I yell and see her waddle her way towards me from the living room.

"Did you find anything?" She asks refurring to Evelyn.

"No. Whoever took her, knew how to cover their tracks."

"Okay well go get cleaned up and get ready for dinner." Mom says and walks to the kitchen.

I walk up the stairs towards dad's office and knock on the door.

"Who is it?" Dad asks.

"It's me. I've returned."


"None of the others have any idea where she could be. I personally took the liberty of searching each of their stash houses, and other establishments. She's not there."

"Then look again. You will not give up until you've found her." father says and I turn around walking away.

"Man, he became cruel." I whisper before heading to my room. I clkse the door behind me and head for the shower.

Once I'm under the water, the events of that night played over in my head.

The way Evelyn looked dressed in that dress. The way her eyes seemed to sparkle under the moonlight. How easily she was able to be shoved off her feet.

Though she was falling, she was still smiling. It was almost like she welcomed it.

I shake my head and close the tap. I only need to focus on finding her, so I can get my father back to the way he was.

Tying the towel around my waist I walk towards his bed drying my rather long hair.

I go into my closet and dress in a pair of sweatpants.

"Hello brother." I hear someone say just as I sit down.

"Evelyn!" I jump up from the bed and shout her name when I see her.

"I just came to tell you. It's my turn to make your life hell." She says and I turn around toward the door running out of the hall.

"Father! I found her. Well, she found me." I say running into father's office.

"What are you blabbering?" he asks and I pull him towards my room.

"Look." I say pointing to the windiw only to find it empty.

"I vuess the long road has gone to your he-" The door bell rings before Father could finish his sentence.

"Now, who the fuck is here this time of night!" he screams and takes of his suit jacket.

He walls down the stairs and straight towards the door. He rips open the door. He starts to shout but immediately stops.

"Hi." I hear the other person say, but I'm to far awag to distinguish who it is.

"Evelyn!" Father shouts and I see him pull her into a hug. She lays a hand on his back and he pulls away.

He pulls her into the house and looks around for any sign of someone else.

"Who is it?" Mother asks and waddles into the room.

"Mary!" Evelyn shouts and runs to her. She stops a few feet away and bend down to mother's stomach.

"Hi baby." Evelyn coos. "Did you miss your big sister? 'Cause your big sister missed you." she says and stands up then gives mom a hug.

"I never thought Id say this but damn I missed this house." Evelyn says and sighs. "God, I'm exhausted." she says and turns to me.

"Nic!" she screams and runs to me. She pulls me into a hug and whispers into my ear. "Careful, your frown was showing."

"How di you get here? Who took you? Did they-"

"Jude, she must be tired. Let her get some shut eye. If she feels up for it she can tell us everything tomorrow." Mom says and Evelyn pulls away.

"Yes, please." She says and turns to her bags. "Damn, why do I have so much stuff?" She says and that's when I noticed her condition.

She didn't have any scars or bruises. In fact her clothes looked brand new. And she looked more healthy.

"Nic, can help you carry." Dad says and turn to me.

"Really?!" Evelyn asks and sighs. "Thanks. You can take the small ones I got the big one. The lift does still work, right?" she asks and Dad nods

"Okay, well I'm off to bed." she says and drags the big case behind her.

Once we enter her room she falls onto her bed and sighs.

"Oh, Nic. I have something to show you." She says and hands me an envelope.

"Well good night. sleep well." I say and I turn around. "For the last time." I hear her whisper before I hear a light switch and the lights turn off.


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