46 - A Change In Power

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"Before I forget... I think that they've spent enough time here. They will also need to vacate the rooms as soon as possible." after she spoke she turned away and walked away.

At that moment I didn't know if I should be proud, or terrified.



🔸♦️ Evelyn's P.O.V ♦️🔸

I was buzy with some reports, when someone knocked on the door.

After a few seconds the door opens and I look up from my seat, and see Shane and Alex coming into the room, both holding onto a crate.

"New shipment arrived." Shane says but his voice dies down as soon as he looks up.

I stand up from the chair and walk over to the crate. I open the top and see the top covered in straw.

Moving away the straw I see the different weapons hidden between them.

"Take them to the basement and have them sorted, they need to be ready as we don't know when we might need them." I order and the carry the crate away keeping silent all the way.


I was busy transferring all the detail of the recent job when my alarm went off, signally that the meeting will start in fifteen minutes.

I go to the bathroom, finish and freshen up before walking to the boardroom.

Inside the room, I see a few vacant seats and check the time before walking over to my father.

"Five more minutes and we start." I say to my father and a few seconds before the time ran out, the missing reps walk into the room.

"Good. Now that everyone's here. We can begin." Jude starts the meeting.

"I will start with the bad news first. Since your arrival the cops have started tailing some of my employees and have caused some hurdles for the jobs.

Which is why, I make a request that you please return and continue working at a distance."

"Why request, when you can order?" I ask my father from my chair.

"Evelyn..." Jude says in a warning tone.

I sigh and see some whispering. "Is there anything else I need to inform them about?" Jude asks and I look though the file inside my hands.

"Yes, they're picking uo heat from the cops."

"Right. As Evelyn's just mentioned, we've been seeing a rise in police surveillance, the last few months since your arrival."

"Which makes is harder for us to find and finish any loose ends." I finish my father's sentence and a guy raises his hand.

"We're not in the first grade if you want to say something, then say it."

"Actually I was wondering why you called the meeting?" the guys asks and Jude nods, allowing me to answer.

"It's just to inform you that started today I will be in charge of this branch, therefore anything that needs to be decided and dealt with, will have to be discussed with me."

Again most of them whisper, and they all started asking questions, and most I had no answer to, since I did not know.

Some of the questions even became more personal than the previous question.

"That's enough! If you can't stay on one topic, then don't ask anything!" I scream silencing almost all of them.

"Vacate the rooms by sundown tomorrow, or be kicked out." I state picking up the files from the table and walk out of the room.


I spent the rest of the day filing everything in a system that works for me. A few people came into the rooms to bring me food, but I was so buzy that I didn't even eat from any of the plates.

When dinner came around I closed the files keeping them in the desk knowing that I'll need most if not all in the next few days.

I close the door, and lock the door. I walk down the stairs and see most gathered around the dining table.

I walk into the kitchen, where Mary would probably be and I found her feeding Amanda.

"Can I?" I ask and she looks surprised to see me.

"Wow. You do look different." she says and turns me around, looking at me almost like she's inspecting me.

"Sure, I could do with a break." she says and rubs her back before heading to the dining area.

I push Amands in her stroller closer to the living room so she can still see Mary, and not start crying.

"Mary! Where's her food?" I ask cutting through some conversations. Mary hands me a small plastic plate and a spoon.

"She might grab the food, and throw it at you. So be careful."

"I've dodged bullets, I don't think baby food's gonna be much of a trouble." I chuckle as Mary shakes her head.

🔹🔸🔹A few minutes later 🔹🔸🔹

"I stand corrected. I'd take the bullets anytime, at least I know where they're aiming for." I chuckle walking around the corner and into the kitchen as I try to wipe the sauce from my shirt.

Mary chuckles and stands up from her chair. She picks up Amanda and brings her to me.

As soon as I was done wetting a cloth, and wiping my clothes, I turn and start wiping Amanda's... well, everything from her hair to her legs.

"Well, if you'll excuse me. I have dinner plans, so I'll get going." I say as soon as I see Shane and Alice walk in my direction.

I walk to the outhouse using the back door since it was closer. I pull out my phone and called a few friends.

"Hey, are you still coming over?" I ask as I look around me and see no one around.

"I have a job for you." I finally say after making sure the area was clear.


I was busy dishing up the food I had placed in the slow-cooker this morning, when there was a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" I ask waiting for an answer.

"12, 21, 3, 1, 19 and co" a voice says from the other side of the door.

"And co?" I ask placing my hand around the doorknob

"26, 1, 14, 5. As well as 19, 20, 5, 16, 8, 5, 10. And also with 18, 1, 25. " three other voices speak consecutively.

I open the door a little looking at the four faces on my mini porch.

"Sorry guys. I can't take any chances." I say and let them into the house.

I served dinner and we started planning.



This book is gonna end in about 5 or 6 chapters

Thanx to everyone who stuck with the book so far

I'll starts with my new book as soon as this one is completed 😁☺️

Secret Service Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang