01 - Love Turns To Hate

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"Seeing as you all shared you stories with everyone let me tell how all of this started."


A little girl runs through the crowd of people gathered outside the hall. After struggling the little girl finally the front of the crowd.

"Daddy!" she screams and an man dressed in a semi formal fashion turns around and falls to the ground holding his arms wipe open.

The little girl runs into his arms and cries. He encases her in his arms holding her tightly, shaking with sobs.

"My angel!" the man cries and kisses her head all over the place.

"Daddy I wanna go home..." the little girl cries and suddenly the man pulls away.

He runs away and falls to his knees in front of his brother crying uncontrollably.

"Brother I can't take her home... I promised N-Nick..... I can't." The man cries.

"But Jude...." the other man says

"Why?" The little girl asks and both brothers stare at her in shock.

"My angel... I can't take you with me. When you were gone I realized that that only Nicky is important to me, and that I only have one child, and that is Nick. I don't need you in my life. You mean nothing to me Evelyn!" Jude says and turns his back to the little girl.

He shakes as he tries to hide the tears. He takes a deep breath then feel the girl grab onto his shirt.

"Tell me. Do you really not care for me?" Evelyn asks.

"No! I don't!" Jude says and Evelyn rips her arms away from the man's shirt screaming 'Fine' before she takes of running.

"I hate you!" Evelyn screams and Jude's brother runs after her. He catches her before she runs into the street.

He holds her in his arms. "Uncle, dad's mean." she says and cries. Soon her sobs die down and she falls asleep in her uncle's arms.


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❇️ Sad start to the story..... But it's important for the storyline.

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