02 - Just A Nightmare

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🔸♦️ Evelyn's P.O.V ♦️🔸

"Evelyn! Evelyn! Evelyn!" someone screams in the background and I open my eyes to see my uncle standing beside my bed.

It was still dark out and my uncle was still dressed in his sleepwear.

"Sorry uncle." I whisper and sit upright.

"Was it the same dream? About that day?" Uncle asks and I nod as he sit next to me.

"Yes, but this time it was different. I couldn't see you clearly. I just hope it doesn't happen that you disappear from my life, otherwise I will have to go to your brother." Evelyn says as her uncle shakes his head.

"But he's still your father." He says and gives Evelyn the glass from his hands

"My father died along with my mother in that accident, the man alive today is merely a sperm donor." Evelyn says and drinks the water .

"Sorry again, uncle. Go to sleep. I'm going to try and get some work done before school tomorrow." I say kissing his forhead and giving him a hug from the side.

🔸♦️ Mohit's P.O.V ♦️🔸

Evelyn basically chased me out of the room. Like every single night, after she gets that same dream which turns into a nightmare, she chases me out of the room and waits a few minutes before she cries.

Her sobs are gut wrenching. Sometimes you can still see the small eight year old girl in her eyes, but soon they are replaced with the eyes of the adults, bored and tired.

I try my best to be the father she needs, but I can never replace her real father as long as he's alive.

For years I've kept my brother's secret at the cost of Evelyn's happiness. Whenever anything good happens, sadness and sorrow always seemed to follow.

They feed off of her happiness like an unending well of resources.

I wait outside her room until I can no longer hear her sobs. When I went into the room I saw that her clothes were scattered around the room. Evelyn was laying against the side of the bed.

Her body was still shaking as she slightly hiccups for air. I may not have much strength left, but this is the most I can do for her.

I don't know how I'm going to tell her the truth. How do I let her know that I don't have much time left.

How do I send her back to the man that abandoned her nine years ago, when she needed him the most.

"Sorry Evy. I'm also going to leave you." I whisper as I place her down on the bed.


So... How was the first real chapter.

The chapters will be longer as time gies on, but I just wanna ease you into the story

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