41 - Promotion

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"Okay. Next time gather more facts about the area before making plans."

"Of course. It won't happen again." I say and excuse myself before starting to work during the next watch.



🔸♦️Evelyn's P.O.V ♦️🔸

It was around 11 PM when I knocked off of watch. Chris even came to work to pick me up.

"It wasn't necessary, you know."

"What sort of husband would I be, if I didn't pick up my wife from work?" Chris jokes

"I almost forgot about that." I laugh remembering about my cover and lay back into the seat.

I had just started to fall asleep when my phone rang.

"Hey, call in and ask them to track the number." I say and answer the phone.

"Elizabeth, I have all the info of the headpieces, where do I mail them." The guy says and while he was talking I wrote down the number he called me on.

Chris motions me to keep him on the call, so I try to gather some information from him through the phone.

"Got him." I hear Chris say and I end the call. "Nevermind, just send the info and I'll let you know."

"They had officers in the area, we'll soon know everything we need to. They also said that you need to conduct a thorough interview." Chris says and I sigh.

"Great, more work." I sigh and Chris turns to me

"Get some sleep first, then worry about work." he says as soon as we stop at the safehouse.

I enter the house and Chris takes me to the kitchen and hands me a plate of food and a bottle Iron Brew.

"I figured you might be hungry. " he says and hands me a fork before lifting the plate covering the food.

"Before you say anything. I bought the fish from the fast food restaurant around the cornor and the chips from the shop across from them, cause their chips taste better." Chris says and places the empty plate in the dishwasher.

"Now eat, shower and sleep." He says and walks up the stairs screaming a 'good night' from his room. I first went to lock all the windows and doors before eating.

I took a quick shower and was laying in bed staing at the ceiling. Eventually I fell asleep due to exhaustion and the aches from the sparring with Cap.


I woke with a fright as I felt someone shake me.

"Evelyn. Wake up." I hear a voice but shoo the person away.

"Wake up!" the voice yells as I immediately sit up right.

"I'm awake." I say looking the time in my phone.

01:36 AM

"What?" I ask and see three different people inside the room standing besides Sarah.

"They are here to move on." Sarah says and I look at their painful expressions.

"Okay. Before that is there anything you want to say to the people who you are leaving behind?" Sarah turn to them speaking for a few seconds before they nod.

Before experiencing the pain of loosing someone you cared for, at an older age, I would always just send them to away, but during the time I was pregnant I came across a woman who had died during child birth, and it changed my perspective on what I was doing.

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