39 - Changes

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It was before sunset when we finished unloading everything from the trucks. I slide the door shut and lock it before hooking the keys onto the other set of keys I had with me.



🔹🔸🔹A few days later on the day school started🔹🔸🔹

🔸♦️ Evelyn's P.O.V ♦️🔸

I sat down in class waiting for the teacher to finish attendance. The bell rings and everyone rushes out of the class as I walk to his desk.

"Sir, I won't be able to attend most of the classes this week, is there a possibility I could have the work ahead of the other students?" I ask and he nods going to take the papers and work from the storeroom.

"It needs to be handed in by Thursday, since we have the transfer students coming Friday and there will be no class that day." He says and I nod taking the papers.

The rest of the day went by the same. Got to class, worked, asked for work, and got the same response, "be done by Thursday".

By last period I had gym, and I was exhausted. I made an excuse sayng that I wasn't feeling well and went home.

And by 'home' I mean I went back to the safehouse. My bedroom furniture was taken to the house while the rest was kept in storage. So that means I need more clothes, since I only had maternity clothes with me while I was away, and they packed most of my clothes for storage.

"Chris, don’t wait up for me." I say seeing him in frint of the TV, before walking through the door on my way to my car.

Climbing into the car I see another car parked a few ways back, I start the car and so does the other driver.

My phone rings but I decline the call since I don't know the number. Over and over the phone rings before I answer the phone as rudely as possible.


"That's no way to treat someone you haven't seen in years."A voice says from the other line and I slam in the breaks

"Lucas?!" I ask and hear him chuckle.

"The one and only." He says and the driver in the car behind me gets out of his car before the line disconnected.

The driver, who I now recognize as Lucas, walks to my side of the car en places his hands on the half open window. "Wait for me." he says and gets back in his car reversing and dissappears from sight.

After a few minutes he comes jogging up the road and towards the car. I open the passenger door and he gets in.

"Why are you here?" I asks as soon as he's finally seated.

"Ouch.... I heard what ha-"

"Stop. I don't want to hear anything about that." I cut him off and drive towards the mall.

The drive was silent apart from the constant crunching of the chips Lucas brought with him, and was now being eaten.

Finding a spot close to the doors I switch the car off and get out waiting for Lucas before activating the alarm.


Shop to shop we moved and I had almost ten bags of items I bought.

The biggest three bag consists of shoes, ranging from flip-flops to high heels. Four of the other bags were all stacked to the brim with bags of clothes. The last three bags were small stuff like hair brushes and so forth.

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