The One When Emily Is Dead

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"I told Damon and Ric that Klaus had Care and Tyler after he left," the Gilbert girl remembered, "but Damon promised that he would get them back." Emily briefly shook her head as she muttered, "I told him not do anything stupid because I didn't want anyone else to get hurt - but knowing Damon he probably did do something stupid."

"I-I think I left after that," Emily guessed as she couldn't recall anything more that took place at Mystic Grill. "Stefan and I went on our first real date," the Gilbert girl noted with a dopey but small smile playing on her lips at the memory before she frowned as she recalled another moment, "t-then we went back to the boarding house, where Klaus showed up and he took me. I stayed with his witch for a while then we went to the quarry for the sacrifice."

The Gilbert girl paused for about a minute or so as she tried to connect her thoughts about what she did remember about the sacrifice before Emily hurriedly look over to her twin sister, who had tears in her brown irises, with her own green eyes widened as her memories came to her. "H-He killed you," Emily mumbled with shock and sadness trailing all throughout her voice.

The Gilbert vampire gently nodded her head as warm tears finally began to fall down the sides of her cheeks. "Yeah, I am," Elena affirmed what her sister had thought.

Emily hurriedly shook her head as she just couldn't accept that her sister was actually dead. "Why didn't our friends try to save you?" The Gilbert girl inquired with her brows pulled together in confusion. "Surely they realized that you weren't there with him and I'm positive Jenna would have told someone," Emily commented before she asked with tears freely falling down her own cheeks, "why didn't they try to save you?"

Elena gave her twin a small smile before she uttered, "they did try." The Gilbert vampire gave Emily's hand a small squeeze before she explained, "John tried to trade his life for mine with a spell but it didn't work since I am a vampire. The spell was meant for a human, so when John did it, it killed him in the process."

Elena had felt a little sadness for her biological father when she had heard that John died trying to save her. The Gilbert vampire had found out about her father's passing and the failed spell about an hour after she had arrived here. Elena met the infamous Maria Radkova herself and she had told Elena all about what had happened and where she was.

The Gilbert vampire carelessly shrugged her shoulders as she glanced at the foggy atmosphere around them before she focused her teary gaze back onto her twin. Elena gave the Gilbert girl a sad smile before she murmured, "I'm pretty much stuck here now." Elena released a small sigh before she began to explain, "it's called the other si-"

However, though, before Elena could explain her situation to her twin sister, the Gilbert girl quickly interrupted her as she practically shrieked, "but I need my sister!" Emily shook her head with a panicked look to her green irises before she mumbled, "I-I don't know if I can continue to live knowing you won't be there with me."

The Gilbert girl briefly closed her green eyes as she tried to stop the tears from continuing to flow down her face before a thought suddenly entered her mind. "Wait a second," Emily mumbled as she turned and looked over to her twin sister as she realized something. "If I'm here," Emily began before she inquired, "does that mean I'm dead, too?"

"You have less than 72 hours until you'll be back in your world," a new and strong voice spoke up before the Gilbert vampire even had the opportunity to her answer Emily's question as the new individual slowly headed towards the twins.

Emily hurriedly stood up from the small bench at the sound of an unfamiliar voice as she pulled Elena up with her. Once the Gilbert girl saw that a woman was heading straight towards them, Emily placed her body in front of Elena's - like the protective sister that she was and always would be - before the Gilbert girl asked the strange woman, "who are you?"

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