CHAPTER 3: Meeting

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I woke up and checked on what day it is, greet a meeting. They have agreed to train the younger generation about it and I was the one to be in the meeting. So prepared myself and went to the meeting place. Everyone was there and I didn't see someone in one chair. We waited then the guy showed up. He was the same guy at my school. "So we have brought up the meeting and what do wanna talk about or your problems?" Wow he was good in giving that speech. Well the first person to speak up was Japan, she belonged to the water element and it wasn't bad for me. She explained about just some problems about her daily life. Once every story we laughed. It was funny, but the guy didn't seem amused. I looked over to him, he was hiding his face, as if he was sleeping. "Hey wake up!" The guy next to him shouted in his ear. He woke up and was confused we laughed and he seemed to be annoyed from that. Then the guy went next. He just talked about the water element to move out a bit from his. Japan said sorry and she couldn't control it from some parts of the day and it happened to be like that. The guy understands the situation and let her stay in the area but promise not to go over to theirs. Soon it was between me and them at guy. None of us have anything to say, well mine is just a family problem. "C'mon America- San( I dunno why but ok), you must have something. What about your dad?"He seemed to be looking in my direction and I got out of the room.

I saw him go out of the room. The girl went after him. Germany wanted to go to him but I grabbed his shoulder, "We should not disturb them." He sighed and we got up and left the room. We looked started and I glanced a little and saw the guy crying. I was shocked and repeated myself, 'He is your enemy, don't show you have any care in the world, otherwise they think your weak."

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