CHAPTER 13: Surpi-Oh gosh

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I trained a lot and started to get distant from America. I planned to surprise him. I planned to hang out with him. I was really tired and sweaty from practice and I had a nice bath. It took me some time then I was done taking a bath. I went out without looking at my surroundings. I put on my shirt then I heard rustling in my bed. I went near my bed, "I didn't mean to see you ripped!" I stumbled backwards. It was America, he was blushing a lot. I rubbed my head, "You saw me... shirtless?" He nodded. I laughed and patted his head and walked out, "By the way, meet me outside in thirty minutes." Then I left the room. I talked to myself, 'Am I that ripped, whatever.'

I tried to remove the blush off my face. I got dressed and I started to calm down. So we went to a restaurant and he chatted about himself and he talked about earlier. I silenced him from it and he chuckled from it. We ate dinner and left to walk in the park. I looked and saw some people in their was moving away. We sat in a bench and we stared at the water. We were silent for awhile. Then he started to get up from the bench and walking. "Umm... where are you going?" He was clenching his fist, "It is alright if can find your family." I was shocked, "W-what family?" He didn't look back at me, "There were two letters that I received and the other one is that one family is willing to adopt you, I hid the other so that you can stay with me." He threw the letter and proceeded to walk away. I read the letter and the family was very kind and they don't have kids. I felt that I wanted to, but I will miss him. The truth was... I liked him.

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