CHAPTER 19: Crowning

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Something was shaking me up from my sleep. "Five more minutes." I mumbled. Then they shook me harder, "C'mon, don't you remember what day it is?" I didn't answer him, "It's the day that you have the throne." I got up and rubbed my head, "Ok." He giggled, for what. I ate breakfast and took a nice shower and he bought me a really nice suit but I didn't need it. He kinda knew the expression,"No silly, it's for me, those who don't belong wear this nice suit. He helped me on this cape. "Does this look good on me?" He smiled, "Of coarse!" Some of the dragons and Phoenixes were there. Someone went to me, China. "Hey bud, long time no see right!" I moved his arm from me." Yea." I walked away from him. Once everyone was settled, they preformed the ceremony. They had to fight each other and see who is the strongest. I was trained for this. And one by one, I beat everyone leaving me between China. He was a good fighter but with my quick moves. I won, being able to trick him and getting the crown and having throne. Once it was over America and my siblings and his brother went over to congratulate me. "I knew this would pay off." So we stayed at home. America and Canada were making some desserts and treats for us. Ukraine and Belarus helped making them. I was just watching outside the balcony. "Hey Ruski." I turned, it was America. "Why do you look sad?" I smiled at him, "I was just thinking, what if something is going to be really bad either back at your home or any element that might attack us and I might not be able to handle it." He smiled then hugged, "You can, your battling out there meant that you can beat others through physical and mental like what you did to the others. You tricked them, and beat them to get the crown." I smiled and thanked him and we went back inside and ate some of the cooked meals. We heard a knock. Kazakhstan went there to check who it was, "Guys... you might need to hide America and Canada." We were shocked, it was the earth element here.

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