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Sarah's P.O.V.

I'm sitting sideways on my couch with my legs bent as I pet my pink like a Carnation flower poodle softly. I still question why I dye his fur pink but, he seems to like it so I'll just keep doing it until he doesn't like it.

"Hey Checker, do you want to go for a walk boy?" He looked at me like I was crazy, I don't blame him. "Yeah, understandable it is a bit late for that hmm?" He looks away to instead put his head down on his paws as I continue to pet his fur until I feel my eyes get heavy until everything went to black.


I wake up to the feeling of something wet and sticky on my face, "I'm up, I'm up boy." Feeling myself blink the sleep away as I pushed him gently to let me up. Sitting up, I stretched then scratched my back hating the taste in my mouth.

"Checker how could you let me sleep in my clothes?" Checker looks at me unimpressed. "Joking, I'm joking." I pet him between the ears. "Jeez Checks, sometimes I feel like I adopted Evelyn's spirit animal." He just barks at me before turning to go to the kitchen.

"Right." I get up and walk over to the kitchen so I can feed my dog before I head out, reaching up towards the cabinets to get the dog kibble, I turn to him. ' I swear I would get you wet food soon Checks, just give me time', I smile. "Say do you think they'll notice I'm wearing the same clothes?" Checker looks at me with I would swear was a look of disgust. "Wow being judged for being dirty by a dog, that bad huh? Well, he's different."

Finally grabbing the kibble, I open the box as I walk over to his food bowl and start pouring a medium amount, then closing the box, going to put it away.

Walking towards the front door, I turn to say goodbye to my dog. "Well I'm heading out now!" Which causes him to stare at me. "....My teeth? Oh! Don't worry about that Checks, I'll do that later I have to go, but I'll ask around for a mint." He still seemed judgmental but accepted it nonetheless, walking away. "Heh, I have a bunch of worriers in my life, don't know if that's a good thing." Closing then locking the door, I walk towards my truck, " well time to start the day I guess."


Stepping out my Blue P.T cruiser, I start heading towards my class, saying little greetings to everyone I see until I reached my class. I open the door taking a deep breath before walking in.

"Miss. Fonda, late as usual, what is it this time?" 

"My alarm didn't go off?" I shrugged while showing a crooked smile. "By the way do you have a mint?"

He let out a huff. "In the drawer next to my desk."

"Thanks teach." I start heading towards his desk.

"Miss. Fonda, is there a reason you're always late to my class?"

"Frankly Mr. Wilson, even if I did give you a reason, will there be a valid excuse?" I say while popping a mint into my mouth.

"Probably not, but it helps to know the root of the problem."

"There is no problem sir, just poor scheduling on my end."

"So, a problem?"


"It's okay Sarah," he walks towards me, then sits on his desk, tapping on said desk for me to sit, to which I obliged. "Theater is all about expressing yourself after all." He finishes by putting my hand on my shoulder.

"Where do I even begin?"

"Where ever you like."


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