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Evelyn P.O.V.

With a hurried motive, I close my sketchbook and stuff it into my satchel Sarah gave me for my fifteenth birthday. She knew I had my eye on them after the movie Tangled came out and there over the shoulder use has proven to be excellent. I don't want to throw the remaining hot chocolate away, though.

Without thinking, I drank it all in one hot, burning gulp, and ran down the stairs to the front door, googling how to get to that odd café Sarah wanted to meet at. She's always one to try new things, and I'm usually the one she 'highly suggests' to join her. It's nice in an odd way; always keeps you on your toes. It makes life more interesting.


It took a while but I was able to get to the place. I look around, and...Sarah's not here yet. I should call her; better than texting her if she's driving on the way. The phone rings for a few seconds before she picks up.

"Mhm, talk to me."

She usually starts off by saying some ridiculous opening line.

"Hey, are you almost here?"

"Yeah, I just need to cross St. Michael street."

I can hear the car accelerating down the road through the phone.

"Tell me, how exactly did you know about this place?"

"Darling, it's one of my many secrets." Her voice at the end curls in a playful tone.

"Well fine, " I laugh, "keep your damn secrets!"

"Oh. My. God. Did the red queen just use profanity at me?" She exaggeratedly gasps at the end.

I can't think of a good enough rebuttal.

"Okay, off with your head now!" That really wasn't the best I could have come up with. Come on, Evelyn!

"I'm coming in. That's what she said."

"Oh, your gross." I laugh off.

I ended the call right as her vehicle parks next to my red Toyota. As she steps out, I stay inside, trying to calm down enough to get rid of the blush from my cheeks.

Sarah is good company, that's all.

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