I pulled my left fist back just slightly as I yanked my right one back to create a spinning force as flames spewed out in a circular jet even if my fist was closed, my flames could emanate from where I wanted them from.

As my left hand passed in front of me I kept it moving and placed it on the ground while pulling my bent leg back and up, sending myself in a flip, a trail of flame lashing it of my heels and extinguished as I landed.

I took a deep breath, shifting back to my initial stance, exchanging stare with the elvish man.

A small flick of my wrist and magic brushed all my hair forth like it had once a few months ago for the first feast I met Audrey at, this being a wordless taunt from my part as his hair got slightly unmade for my counterattack, my hair being made flawless was a taunt in a way that he couldn't even have messed that up with his attack.

I threw out my fist, opening my fist into a stiff flat palm, splitting the water jet coming at me into two with my fingers as my other hand pulled down at my side and closed in a fit.

I hopped back and swung my leg in a huge half circle and slammed it in the ground, the granite rippling and shooting up in spikes towards him.

I thrusted my hand in the air, a pillar of the granite rising under my feet to send me up, minus the usual flip this time.

He sent the spikes I created at me and I used them as platforms to hop further without landing.

As my foot landed on another I crouched, hand against it as I kicked myself in a flip, heel slamming into his forearm and slipping forwards right into the collarbone but didn't manage to even fracture it or I would have felt it.

He grabbed my leg as I brought my other one down and suffered the same fate.

I bent my knees and sprang up, trying to use him as a jumping platform, the yank of my body being enough to make him take a step forwards.

I snapped my arm out behind my back, water condensing and shooting out right under his moving foot.

I still ended smacked against the ground but he fell too.

I gasped as I landed on my back which was quite frankly a pain.

Planting my hands by my head gave me a solid base as I kicked my legs out and pushed up, throwing my body in a crouch.

I crossed my arms over my head and shifted my legs apart to be able to stably rest my heels on the ground as I braced for impact, him giving back the heel kick.

I spanned my foot out and ended with it over his right foot, just barely resting against the front of his ankle and froze it over before blasting air from my other foot and flipping him as I went straight up.

making a slicing movement sent a large wave of ice shards at him before I landed.

With one wave I was shot with water and it hurt.

I kicked my foot up so I was only on one foot and a wall of the rock followed before I kicked it and sent it at him.

Never should someone think they have the advantage as the next second I lost mine, hearing the whisper of a language I never learnt, must be what the halfmen speak, and fog blanketed my vision, if it was the whole arena or just my eyes I couldn't tell and was frantically searching for the magic link to let me stop the spell.

I was struck in the back by lightning and felt my skin burn from it.

I hopped around, blasting fire but never felt it hit its target but I got tossed around a bit, skin sizzling and muscles spazzing at the stronger zaps, ice freezing and breaking my skin so blood dripped, rock, ice, water and lightning doing a number on me in the little time I've been blinded.

I can't loose not now, not ever, I need to find a way, fuck I need to find a way!

No calm down Mystery, you can do this.

I crouched down, right hand on the ground, left hovering.

Let magic guide you, you can feel wild magic, wild magic is in everything, the air, the ground, the sweat, the fabrics.... Listen....

I threw my left arm out as my side, sparking my own lightning, from my palm as I closed my blind eyes and stood, ripples through the wild magic let me see, I need to end this and quickly before he has more time to take me down.

I stomped on the ground and a fire jet shot out right beneath him.

I blasted myself in the air and with a spin sent trails of fire crashing down, so strong the ground cracked.

His concentration broken and I felt the fog almost peel away from my eyeballs as I landed.

My legs instantly got frozen over as the place was drenched in water.

I brought my right hand up to chest level and the other straight over my head, aimed at the ceiling.

Flames rose and quickly begin raging just at the foot of the arena wall before forming into a huge fire whirlwind that was scorching the ceiling but leaving the spectators harm free but the heat climbing with us and water evaporating and freeing me.

I flexed my hands and my blood stopped listening to gravity, rolling up the other way and to my hands, hovering and floating blobs before lashing out with them like whips, sharp as a sword, bending and twisting with each movement of my hands.

The blood splattered on the ground as I focused in on the lightning speeding at me.

I didn't have time to dodge nor block.... I just need to pass through it.

My right hand was held towards it as my left was hovering right under my heart, the lightning meeting the pointer and middle finger, the rest bent, it rushed down my arm as I bent it as I made the same hand shape with my other hand  as I touched them and extended the left hand, lightning spewing from it and hitting the wall.

I gave myself a second to realize the three things I just did almost back to back, saw using wild magic when blinded, used my blood as a weapon and redirected lightning.

Two of those are extremely advanced wild magic techniques and one is really dangerous as if you guide the lightning through your heart it will stop but you need the straightest line through the body, that's why my hand hovered right under my heart.

I caught another lightning strike and directed it at the ceiling, sparks crashing against it as my skin smoked.

I took a breath and the silver whirlwind dangerously flamed up.

"I am the new silver queen." I said, I knew he couldn't hear me tho I was talking to him but I didn't care. "I'll show you what a dragon can do!!!" That for sure he heard as purple flames sparked from the silver until the silver was overpowered by the flames only dragons could possess as my hand was thrusted in the air.

The wind generated so strong it whipped my hair around and forced me to take a more stable stance and flex my right hand by my hip, the rock reaching up and grabbing my feet.

With a war cry I slammed my extended arm into the ground, the huge fire vortex imploding on itself and creating a ground shattering explosion in a huge fireball, I threw both my hands out to forcefully contain in the arena and not hurt those watching.

When the light fell and I could finally open my eyes, I patted out my singed black and burning clothes as I watched the man, heavily burnt, bleeding all over the ground but breathing.

I hummed as I stood, the light there was scattering off the silver scales covering my body to protect me from the flames' heat as only my silver flames wouldn't need this to not hurt me, these were purple dragon flames, all dragons could make them so they could burn me if not protected.

"I win." I breathed out, falling over on my butt, hands behind me to hold me out as I took a few deep breaths as my face was towards the ceiling.

Despite the pain and grime over my body I still smirked.

"I win... Told you so." I said with a softer, close eyed smile.

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