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S I X T Y - F O U R :

"Oak come on lad, Harrison's waiting for you!"Charlie teased his friend from the other side of the bedroom door. Today, they were due to do a practice shot in character with their character's clothing that the stylist had full control over, for one location that the band had thought would look cool. Oak was ready, she was just having one of those mornings where she picked at every flaw she had, which was one of the many reasons she hated her brain.

She'd tried to make herself feel more confident by wearing a summery top that she'd brought with her because the heat here was much warmer than the heat back in Manchester, like a lot warmer. It was almost bloody scolding, which was a massive contrast to the last time they were here when they were all wearing jumpers and thick coats. She was also in a mass of jumbled thoughts, what Harrison had said about him liking her was swirling through her mind like when you have a bottle of water that's about half full and you start shaking it about, that was her mind about that statement.

She didn't know why it was bothering her so much because it wasn't like he said those three words but she just couldn't decipher if he meant as friends or as something more, either would be fine, she was just confused. Deep down though she hoped when he said it he meant the latter because she meant the latter, she was just scared to admit it to people in case the words threw a massive ice block in her face.

The last three days the group of thirteen hadn't really been doing much other than talking and developing their knowledge on each other. They'd all had a brilliant time with each other, it was weird because upon first glance they'd doubted they'd have much in common but they were all very wrong about that, they all the same beliefs in regards to politics, which wasn't really surprising in all honesty.

Also in the three days, it had been very mind boggling for both Oak and Harrison because they'd both gotten closer in the respect that they'd now just kiss each other randomly, neither of them had any complaints though so that was good. They would spend time sitting next to each other cuddling and no one questioned it, these things just fell into place naturally, nothing was forced, it was like their bodies were telling them to just get on with it and be a fucking couple. The mind boggling part was that both of them wanted the same thing, each other, they just were holding back because they didn't know if the other wanted what they wanted, which probably means they should talk to each other but they were both far too nervous to bring it up in case of rejection.

Eventually, Oak had decided on some white and black stripy trousers that were loose for air and a black vest top that she tucked in. She'd also put on a short black denim jacket, which wasn't needed and Charlie had told her that as he and all of her band mates were wearing shorts and appropriate attire for this weather. Oak had just shrugged and grabbed her rucksack and everything she needed, coming to think of it she doesn't know a time where she hasn't left the house without her trusted rucksack, she brought it also so that she could help carry other people's things if they ever needed her to.

The general site for meetings with the cast was just across the road from the cast's accommodation, it was always very easy for the crew, if the cast were late to just bang on their front door and if they didn't answer then they had a key so they could wake them up; it was pretty harsh but it did the trick so they knew to never be late again.

Right now, it was only five in the morning so the chance of there being many people on the beach was very slim, that's where Oak's sense in wearing a jacket came into save her, the early mornings are usually colder than throughout the days. The crew had gotten permission to film on the beach from the authorities, which was good because the last thing they all needed was to get arrested.

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