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S I X T Y - S I X :

It had turned out that a group of teenage girls, to no surprise, had followed Harrison to the tattoo shop because of a daily update feed one of them followed on Twitter had posted a photo that the Paparazzi had taken of him walking in the door with the girl. This could lead to many a problematic ending but it was one that which they were both willing to take, he'd signed a piece of paper for Brad and gave his son a video message then paid him the correct amount with a tip because he loved the end result, it had no colour but was very bright. 

Harrison had also given the group of four some time of day to talk to him and get a picture, he'd asked Oak if it was okay because he knew they were on a date and would feel bad either way, of course, Oak didn't mind. It was thanks to the people like those girl that he was where he was so she completely understood him wanting to spend time with his supporters, she found it sweet. Even after so long in the public eye and also being so young when he was first thrown into the mix of it all, he'd still managed to say humble and grounded, which was probably quite a rare trait in young stars, he still had the time of day for everyone and would continue to do so until the day he died. 

As of right now, the pair of them were sat on a wall overlooking the stunning flow of water that was like the full size of the whole of the United Kingdom, which in all honesty wasn't that hard to believe. Oak was in awe, she had never seen anything quite like this but then again she hadn't really travelled that much outside of the UK . Sure, she'd been to Australia once but they didn't go to many touristy places and stayed around Geraldton, where her cousins lived, it was truly spectacular there but they were just doing family things and would occasionally go to the local swimming baths and the beach but that was the extent of their Aus stay.

A warm gentle breeze brushed past them as they both sat there in silence taking in the scenery of the water that splashed down fiercely yet the atmosphere was more than tranquil. There were only a few other people here walking their dogs or were just there to take a photo of the sheer beauty that was in front of them. Harrison had been to Letchworth State Park a couple of times, mainly for filming purposes so he didn't really have the chance to take in the landscape, he'd merely just looked at it and then read his lines but being here with Oak gave him an incredible feeling that was again, indescribable, a word he was getting used to saying regarding her. 

"I didn't say anything earlier even though I should've but you look exquisite, like usual," He complimented gauchely with a shy smile whispering the last two words under his breath as he fixated his eyes back on the waterfall. Oak focused her eyes on him and smiled a small smile then let out a soft giggle like chuckle, he just furrowed his eyebrows and hen turned his cinnamon-y eyes back in her direction, why was she laughing?

"I look exquisite?" She repeated his words that he'd used to compliment her, she couldn't help the small ounce of laughter that wanted to leave her lips, she'd been called many a thing but she can't quite remember ever being called exquisite.

"Well, yeah," He affirmed still unsure as to why she was laughing, he thought it was a nice thing to say and he was telling the truth, she did look exquisite. "I wanted to say something other than beautiful, it has the same connotations but it's pretty bland," He added with a laugh of his own now, it was probably one of the weirder adjectives he could've concocted to compliment her.

"I appreciate it, thank you Harrison," She thanked with a smile "And since we're using more advanced literary techniques you too look very personable,"  Oak complimented him back in her best southern English accent telling the truth too, how could she deny his beauty, it was everywhere even if she wanted to ignore it, she couldn't possibly.

the new yearNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ