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S E V E N :

"One, two, three, action!" The director called signalling the start of filming, the first scene was Cameron in his bedroom listening to music in the dark whilst laying on his bed.

Harrison was in full Cameron Fin character with the fake nose piercing and gelled hair. He lay there his arms by his side as music streamed through his ears quietly, the song playing was none other than the Ramones 'I Wanna Be Sedated'.

"Cameron!" His 'mom' shouted whilst knocking on his door having an accidental voice crack, which of course made herself and Harrison chuckle.

"Cut!" The director called whilst Harrison and his on-screen mum had a little fit of chuckles it sounded like someone slamming the brakes of their car before having to immediately get back in character. There was no space for messing about, it had to be perfect otherwise shit would hit the fan.

Sure Steven was a great guy, very laid back but when it came to work he was as stern as a stone, he could have a laugh but he'd rather not, he was a very serious guy at times, he was quite scary actually. Everyone loved him though.

"Scene one, take two, action!" The director called again, silence filled the room for a few seconds before the scene started rolling.

"Cameron!" His mom called knocking on the door as she waited outside. "Cameron!" She called again, growing more frustrated by the minute. The lady who played his 'mom' was none other than Darria Smith, who'd appeared in many a movie alongside the likes of Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt and Johnny Depp--so this show was essentially a downgrade from her usual blockbuster type.

Cameron stayed laying there, the music consoling him as his mind took him to another place completely, sometimes he wished he could be anywhere except where he was. "For god's sake Cameron!" His mom came bounding into the darkness of his room. He turned his head slightly and looked at his mom standing there with a look of frustration. "I've been calling your name for five minutes, your dinners ready," She sighed then left, the washing basket tucked under her arms.

He stood from his bed, taking his earphones out and heading downstairs after his mom. The cameras cut to the kitchen where the Fin family sat for their dinner, which consisted of Darria Smith his mom, Harriet Wills his onscreen sister, this was her first proper TV role and Brandon Gregg his onscreen brother, who was pretty successful in teen movies.

"Cut!" The director called, he wasn't happy with the current angle of this part so the cast had to take it from the top, the aim was to have it as smooth as possible otherwise he didn't believe it'd have the same vibe.

By the end of the first shooting day they managed to get episode one, scene one fully complete after having a few mishaps, they managed to get another shorter scene within the school that the director was happy with at the moment but the most likely thing would be that he'd change his mind. They never really filmed in order as they often used natural lighting for scenes similar to this one and when they originally wanted to film it, it wasn't good enough apparently but today was perfect.

"Tomorrow is a shorter shoot, be in for around two PM, it's another school shoot!" The director announced to all the cast that needed to be in tomorrow afternoon. It felt good to be back on set with them all, everyone was super excited about where the show was going this time around. In series one it was the background of each character how they got to where they are, series two was rather dramatic, which primarily focused on the attempted murder case and how many people were suspects, series three was a mystery.

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