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T W E N T Y - E I G H T :


Liked by elle_scott, harrisonstiles and 828 others

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Liked by elle_scott, harrisonstiles and 828 others

theblueband A massive shoutout to that Radom guy who offered to take this, it's very cool!

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elle_scott Very artsy 💜
finn.jeong1 Disgustang.
elias_andino32 a REALLY good looking band, js
araywhyte That stranger was hella cool, especially for NY

Belle had just found out her friends were apparently coming to her house so that they could go out shopping later on in the day. She didn't mind it's just she didn't want to whole fiasco of them finding out that the Harrison Stiles was her brother; she didn't think they'd actually care but she still wanted to take precautions.

When they had the sleepover a few days ago everything went incredibly smooth, she wasn't sure whether or not they knew she was related to Harrison or if they did know they didn't mention it, which she appreciated. "Mum, am I allowed to go out into town?" Belle asked her mum as she poured herself some orange juice, bit-less obviously.

Her mum looked up at her from the kettle and pondered her thoughts to get her daughter worried, "I mean, if I'm not allowed it's fine, I can reschedule. . ." Belle spoke quickly feeling nervous. Their mum wasn't strict with them, she never really had been, she was firm when needed but she allowed them to have freedom to do what they wish, she was never going to force them into a pathway they didn't want to go down. Both of Emma's kids were completely different but also the exact same, music wise they had very similar tastes and would go to gigs together when they could but hobby wise they were kind of polar opposites.

Harrison was an actor and enjoyed to draw in his spare time where as Belle, was more into digital media and in her spare time she enjoyed to write or sing. "Of course, you can go," Her mum finally answered with a cheeky smile.

"Thank you!" Belle said happily and then took her drink upstairs to get ready with. She was already dressed and everything, she just wanted to style her hair into something more presentable.

The brunette girl had decided that the outfit of her blue mom jeans and a white t-shirt, with an oversized hoodie on top, was okay for the day. The hairstyle she was going to do was also very basic, she grabbed a hair bobble that was on her dresser and styled it into a high ponytail.

Her room was fairly big, she had a double bed with dark grey covers that had a strip of pressed velvet and had plenty of cushions neatly placed between the two pillows. On her centre wall, it was painted a light turquoise and had a picture scattered frame that had pictures of her and her family, then on the plain wall, opposite it she had string that had Polaroid's of random pictures either she had took or someone had taken of her and someone else.

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