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E I G H T :

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If you haven't read chapter 7 yet, you should otherwise it may be confusing, idk. enjoy x

"This is Kathrine," Their dad introduced a beautiful woman with thick black hair and pale skin, she was wearing a red dress that matched with her lipstick, she was so effortlessly beautiful. "Elijah," Their dad pointed to a boy around Oak's age with medium brown skin with dark bouncy curls on his head. "And Isaiah," He introduced a younger boy by his brothers' side who looked to be about fourteen or fifteen, he literally looked liked a clone of his brother.

"Katherine this is my ex-wife Louise, sons Sebastian and Thomas and my only daughter Oak," David introduced his ex and children, he made sure to enunciate the ex part like the spiteful man he was; honestly, he probably just invited them to rub it in their faces that he had a new family. They all said a brief hello to each other then the table fell into an awkward silence that was deafening, it can't be nice for Katherine meeting her current fella's ex wife and children and it can't be nice for Louise either.

"What do you all do?" Kathrine asked directing her attention towards David's children, Seb looked at her with a warm smile. She thought it was a fitting time to ask because the silence was truly to powerful.

"I'm an events manager, I have my own business with my friend organising. . . Events," he told her willingly with a smile. The clue was in the name really, he didn't know why he felt the need to add on to his job title. 

"Oh that's so interesting do you enjoy it?" She asked the eldest son. She felt genuinely interested, David always spoke about how proud he was of Sebastian and Thomas, he rarely mentioned what his daughter did, which made her think that she didn't have a job. It wasn't any of her business but they could be family soon so she wanted to make a good impression.

"Yeah, it's great fun but hard work," He let out a little chuckle. He'd been interested in event organising since he was thirteen, he always wanted to help plan surprise parties for family or friends, he was very good at what he did.

"What about you Tom what do you do?" The beautiful woman turned her attention to the man a seat to the left, in front of her with a smile. 

"I help my mum with the salon most days," he smiled "and yourself what do you do?" He asked in return. His occupation was nowhere near as interesting as his brothers' but he enjoyed it, he got to meet all sorts of people there.

"I'm a nurse, it's long hours but it's worth it," She smiled fondly at her job. She'd been doing nursing since she left school and she wouldn't change it for the world. Kathrine then turned her eyes towards the blue-haired girl who was sat next to her eldest son, Elijah. She hadn't heard much about her so she was insanely intrigued.

"And you. . . Oak was it what do you do?" Kathrine smiled at the girl.

Oak looked up and met Kathrine's deep hazel eyes then smiled briefly "I don't really do anything that interesting, I'm the least successful out of the three of us," Oak said playfully, reiterating her fathers previous words, he didn't agree with her being in a band, he said it was a waste of her qualifications.

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