James Gets Married

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Fast forward to two years later and this year's hockey season ended in round one of the Staley Cup playoffs when The Leafs lost to Boston in Game 7. And now here we are today on this beautiful Friday in June getting ready for James and Nicole's wedding day. "James, Will's here!" I shouted from the bottom of the stairs. "Okay, you can send him up!" James replied as Will began tracking up the stairs to James's room at the cottage. James and Nicole decided to have their wedding at the family barn overlooking the lake where we had our cottage. "Okay, Macey and I will be back in a bit, we're going to go over to the lodge where Nicole and the bridesmaids are getting ready. See you guys in a little bit." I said to Hunter before giving him a kiss and grabbing Macey's flower girl dress before heading out to the jeep.

When Mace and I arrived at the lodge, we went to the suite Nicole had booked for the day and knocked on the door. "Your flower girl has arrived!" I said as Nicole's mom opened the door letting us in. "Perfect, let's get her in the chair and Lacey will get her hair done before Steph does her makeup." Nicole's mom said leading us over to where Lacey was working on the finishing touches of Stephanie's hair. "Oh my gosh, you look so beautiful!" Nicole said coming over to where we were, her hair wrapped in a towel as her hair dried.

After an entire morning of busy getting wedding ready, it was now time for me to go back to the cottage to see my boy and take pictures with him before the ceremony starts. "Alright, I'm heading back to the cottage so I'll see you guys in an hour or so." I said as all the girls nodded or said a quick okay. "And Mace, be good for the girls okay?" I added. "I will, don't worry mom!" she replied before I left and made my way back to the cottage where things seemed to be coming along nicely.

" Hey, there you are! Everything going okay over there?" Hunter asked coming out to the car. "Yeah, everything's coming along nicely over there. They were helping Mace get ready when I left to come back here for pictures with James." I replied as James came out of the cottage looking for Hunter and I. "Mom, the photographer wants you to come in so we can take a couple pictures." He said as I moved towards the steps to go inside.

A few hours later, the guests were all seated, and the wedding was about to begin. "Are you ready to begin this new chapter of your life?" I asked him as I wrapped my arm underneath his and held his hand ready to walk him to the altar to await Nicole's turn. "Ready as I'll ever be mom." He smiled widely as we began to move out of the barn and down the aisle. Before he went to stand up at the altar, we stopped at the first row of seats where both families were smiling. "Je t'aime mon amour." I whispered into my son's ear while giving him a hug. "I love you too mom."He replied before going up to stand with his groomsmen.

I took my seat next to Hunter and smiled at him before the music began, meaning that Nicole was about to walk down the aisle. Everyone turned their heads as Macey began to walk down the aisle throwing the flower petals. "That's my baby girl, look how beautiful she is!" I said to Hunter as a smile grew on my face. "She's beautiful just like her mama." He replied smiling back.

When Nicole began to walk down the aisle, everyone stood up and as she made her way to the altar where James stood, I turned to see my son with tears of joy in his eyes. "Awe look at him, he's crying." I said as Hunter smiled. "Just like I was on our wedding day." He replied. After Nicole's father had walked her down the aisle, he gave James a handshake and his daughter a hug and a kiss on the cheek before going to take his seat with his wife.

"Family and friends, we gather here today to celebrate and honour the endless amount of love that James and Nicole have for each other. Now before we begin, if there are any objections, please speak now or forever hold your peace." The pastor said before pausing for a brief moment. "Okay now that we got that out of the way, let's begin."

"James and Nicole, please step forward and hold each other's hands." The pastor said as they stepped forward and held their hands out for each other. "Now, James please repeat after me." He said looking to James then back to his book. "I, James Alexander Hastings, take you, Nicole Marie West to be my beloved wife." James looked at Nicole and with a big smile repeated the words the pastor had begun with. "To love and to hold, through sickness and in health." James repeated those words before the pastor asked Nicole to do the same thing.

Once that part was done, James and Nicole got their vows handed to them from their best man and maid of honour before James opened his up and began to read them. "My beautiful Nicole, the first time we met, I knew that we were going to become the best of friends from the start. From the first date we had at the bowling alley to the endless holidays we have spent together with our friends and families, I knew from that day forward you were the girl that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. And here we are today, in front of our friends and family taking on a new chapter in our lives together. I love you to the moon and back and will always be there, walking with you every step of the way. "James finished his vows and folded the paper back up before putting it in his jacket pocket.

"Now, Nicole, would you please read your written vows for James." The pastor asked as she held her paper up ready to read it into the microphone. "My sweet, sweet James. Where do I begin? There are no words that could ever express how much you mean to me. I was one very lucky lady to have found such a sweet, loving and caring man as yourself. From the first day we met each other, I knew that you were the one for me. You continue to amaze me and always find a way to put a smile on my face. I'm excited for this new chapter we are about to begin together. I love you beyond words could ever say. "She said as she concluded her vows before folding up the piece of paper.

"Now by the power invested in me, I now pronounce you, Mr and Mrs. James Hastings. James, you may now kiss your bride." The pastor said as James leaned in and planted a kiss on Nicole's lips as everyone clapped and cheered for the now newlyweds. As they stepped down from the altar and down the aisle, everyone was still cheering until the whole wedding party was gone with them.

"Hey, there they are!" Hunter exclaimed as James and Nicole came over to see us. "Congratulations!" I said giving both of them a hug. "We're so excited to have you in our family Nicole." Hunter said before we engaged in a small conversation with the two. "Your vows were beautiful, both of you." I said as Nicole smiled. "Thank you." She said just as Macey came over to meet us with Auston not far behind. "Hey buddy, congrats!" Auston said shaking James's hand and giving Nicole a hug. "Thanks man." He replied. "Mace, you look so pretty baby girl." Hunter said as Macey gave him a hug. "Thanks daddy." She smiled. "Did you use that plus one?" James asked Auston who nodded "No I didn't." James frowned "Why not?" He asked "Because, I promised Macey I'd be her wedding date." Auston replied "Awe that's so sweet." Nicole said smiling at Macey then at Auston.

At the end of the night when Nicole and James were ready to be sent off to the airport for their honeymoon, everyone grabbed sparklers and we made a tunnel for the two to go through to get to the car in which Nicole's dad was driving them in to the airport. "Bye guys, safe travels. We love you!" I shouted as everyone else was shouting goodbye to send them off.

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