The Journey Begins

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My name is Madison Gem, but my friends call me Maddie. I'm 19 years old and come from Canada and my friends and I travel the world because it's one of our biggest dreams and it's also a way to try and discover who we truly are. This dream of ours has been talked about since we were younger and now the day has finally come for us to travel the world.

Now our story starts in a small town called Courtice, it was a really early morning for us that day because today was the day we began our journey around the world. My boyfriend Hunter and I were just leaving the house to go to the airport and meet up with everyone else. "Hunter let's go we're going to be late!" I yelled from the bottom of the stairs as he came rushing down the stairs. "Relax babe, we'll be fine." He replied as he walked out the door to start the car. I put my keys in the door and set the alarm then I locked the front door and got into the car and put my seat belt on as Hunter drove down the drive way.

Once we hit the highway to go to the airport, I drifted off to sleep so I could get some rest before the flight. " Mads, don't go to sleep now I have no one to talk to while I'm driving." He said while looking over to me. " But it's too early for me, I didn't get much sleep last night because I was too busy thinking about today." Was my reply as I got comfortable in the passenger's seat and went back to sleep. A few minutes later, I was woken up when the car came to a complete stop. "Where are we?" I asked looking a little confused then Hunter laughed " We're at the airport remember, today's the day we start traveling the world with our friends." I wiped my tired eyes and unbuckled my seatbelt. I got out of the car and grabbed my suitcase from the back and then we walked into the airport.

We walked over to costumes and they checked our bags then after that we walked over to gate 9 where we would meet everyone. Once we got there I looked around to see if anyone else was there already and then my phone rang. *Ring* I took my cell out of my pocket and answered. "Hello? Oh hey Cali! Where are you guys?" As both Hunter and I looked around to spot them we saw them walking towards us with Brent and Sophie. " Hey Maddie!" Both Sophie and Cali said at the same time. I hugged both of them then Brent and Jack gave me a hug. "Wait something's missing here." Cali said Sophie and I laughed then said " Mina's late... Again." We all laughed as Mina and Justin came walking over to us. "Well look who finally decided to show up." Said Hunter . "Hey everyone knows that Mina and I aren't morning people." Justin said. Everyone laughed and then Jack said " Well it's pretty funny because usually you guys are awake still at this time." Justin gave Jack death stare and then sat down in an empty seat waiting to board the flight. " Who's ready for our trip to begin?" Sophie asked excitedly ready to board the plane that wasn't even there yet. I smiled and raised my hand and so did everyone else.

After a while, the plane had arrived and we were waiting to be called up to board the plane. "Passengers boarding the flight to China with the seat numbers 16, 17, 18 and 19 C you may now board the plane." Said the person checking plane tickets and passports. We all looked at our tickets and that was us so we stood up and made our way to the boarding gate. The lady who was standing there checked our tickets and passports and we got on the plane. Once on the plane we searched for our seat numbers and once we found them, we opened the cubby above our seats and put our backpacks in there so that when we take off our bags won't bounce around. After that was done, we sat down and buckled up our seat belts for take -off and waited until everyone else was on the plane to leave. Once everyone was loaded onto the plane, the captain made his speech "Good morning ladies and Gentlemen, my name is Dave and I'll be your captain for this flight along with my co -captain John our destination today is Hong Kong China now please buckle up and enjoy your flight." As we were taking off, Hunter intertwined our hands together and looked at me while I was staring out the window thinking about how our childhood dream is coming true.

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