Rising Star

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Fast forward to 4 years later, Macey's now 6 years old playing house league girls hockey and James is playing for the Toronto Maple Leafs alongside Mitch and Auston at age 24. "Macey come on we're going to be late!" I yelled from the bottom of the stairs searching for my shoes. "Coming!" She yelled back running down the stairs followed by Hunter. "Get your shoes on." I said as she sat down on the last step of the stairs and put her shoes on. "Mommy, can you help me put my jersey on?" Macey asked focusing on putting her second shoe on her foot. "Give me a second." I said grabbing her jersey off the bench and helping her put it on over her hoodie. "Thank you." She said giving me a hug and walking out the door to meet Hunter at the car.

When we arrived at the arena, we went down to the tunnel by the dressing room to see James before the game (Macey's request). "Stand in front of the big maple leaf Mace, I want to take your picture." I said as she ran over to the wall and stood there with a huge smile on her face. I snapped a picture and then she turned around and looked up at the wall where the leaf had lit up the wall. I snapped a picture of the back of her jersey that had James's number and our last name on it. The dressing room door opened to reveal James wearing the bottom half of his gear and his team hoodie on top. He put a finger on his lip in sign of stay quiet before he snuck up behind his sister. He picked her up as she squealed and laughed. I recorded the moment before James turned around with Macey still in his arms. "I want down." Macey said as James tickled her. "Can I put you down in a minute?" he asked as she nodded in reply. "Hey dad can you take a pic of us for me?" James asked handing his phone over to his dad. James moved back still holding his little sister in his arms. "Smile Mace." James said as they both smiled for the camera.

"Hey look who dropped by for game day!" Auston said coming out of the dressing room followed by Mitch and Morgan. "It's our favourite family!" Mitch said as James and Macey turned their heads towards the two. "Awe look, she's got her big brother's jersey on." Morgan said looking down at Macey. "Hey why don't we get a picture of the four of us with her?" Auston said as the three boys nodded in agreement. After they took a couple of pictures, James gave his sister a tour of the dressing room before the team had to finish getting ready for the game. "Alright good luck out there Jay." Hunter said as we let him go finish getting ready for the game.

"Go James... Shoot!" I yelled as he carried the puck into Montreal's zone. James shot the puck and hit the post getting ready for a rebound on Carrey Price. Nylander got hold of the rebound and played with the puck a couple of seconds before taking a shot on net as Price scrambled to stop the puck as James dug for it and scooped it into the net behind the goal line. "WOOO! That's my boy!" I yelled as the crowed around erupted into a loud cheer for James's goal that gave the team a lead of 1-0. "Mom I'm hungry." Macey said tapping me on the shoulder as I looked down at her. "I'll take her to get popcorn or something if you want." Hunter replied. "No it's okay I can go." Hunter stood up and Macey followed. "I was going to get something to drink anyways." He said as they began to shuffle their way out of the aisle and towards the stairs leading to the concession stand.

"What did you get?" I asked Macey as they came back with popcorn and drinks. "Popcorn." She replied as Hunter sat down and handed me a drink. "Thanks." I replied before taking a sip of water. "You'll never guess who I ran into while waiting in line." Hunter said taking a piece of popcorn from the bag. "Let me guess... Someone from Auston's family." I replied. "How did you know?" he asked with a shocked look on his face. "Because I talk to Auston and he told me they were coming into town for the weekend." I replied as second period began.

After the game, we went down to wait in the hall by the dressing room. "Maddie, is that you?" I heard a voice come from behind me. "Ema?" I turned around and came face to face with Auston's mom. "How are you sweetheart?"She asked coming in to give me a hug. "I'm doing great how about you? You enjoying your stay so far?" I asked. "Yeah it's been great but sadly we leave tomorrow afternoon to go home." She replied as we continued our conversation as we waited for our boys to come out of the dressing room after the game.

A few minutes later, James came out of the dressing room walking towards us as Macey ran up and gave him a big hug. "Hey great game tonight buddy. Nice goal too!" Hunter said as James stopped in front of us holding his little sister in his arm greeting us. "Hey Jay great game tonight." I said giving him a side hug as he towered over me. "Thanks." He replied before saying hi to Ema. "Wow, you've grown so much since the last time I saw you!" She said with a laugh. "Keeping Auston in line for me while I'm not around?" She asked as James laughed. "More like he's taking care of me and my mom's keeping all of us in line." He said as Ema smiled and laughed.

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