Cottage Bound

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The next morning, I woke up at 5 AM, fed James, changed his diaper, got him dressed and gave him a bath before getting myself dressed and heading downstairs to eat breakfast. After breakfast, I began to pack for the cottage. I gathered all of the things that we would need for the baby up at the cottage and double checked to assure everything was there. Before I headed upstairs to my room to pack my stuff, I looked at my phone that appeared to have a message waiting for me. I unlocked my phone to see a message from Sam saying good morning and asking me if I wanted anything before, he came over to come spend the week with us at the cottage. I replied back and put my phone back down on the kitchen counter before taking James and myself upstairs into my room. I opened the bedroom door before quietly walking over to the bed. I walked over to Hunter's side of the bed and sat down as Hunter stirred and slowly opened his eyes to look at the clock before looking up at me while reaching out to hold James's tiny fingers.

"Morning sleepy head. You going to get up and help me pack?"I asked as he sat up before I handed James over to him. I got up and made my way to the closet gathering a couple of hoodies, a few pairs of sweats and a few beach towels. I folded those items before packing them into my larger gym bag. "I'm going to put James in his playpen and then going to have a quick shower before I pack my stuff."Hunter said getting out of bed and taking James over to the little playpen we have set up in our room for when he doesn't go back to sleep in the middle of the night. "Alright, Sam should be here soon."I replied as Hunter grabbed a pair of shorts and a tank from the dresser and made his way into the on-suite bathroom. I opened up my laptop and went onto Spotify to fill the silence in the room while Hunter was in the shower. I picked the country music playlist I had made when I was a teen and pressed play as Florida Georgia Line filled the room. I continued packing my clothes into my bag before gathering the sunscreen, bug spray and other important things we might need at the cottage. "Woah what's going on in here babe?"Hunter asked coming out of the bathroom dressed like he's ready to go wax a surfboard. "James and I are just having a little country music party."I smiled as Hunter brought his gym bag over to the bed and began packing his stuff for the week. "Woah woah woah, are you getting our little man hooked on country music? That's unacceptable!"Hunter said grinning. I looked at him with a smile before walking in the bathroom to grab my toothbrush, toothpaste and hair brush. "Hey, if he's going to be hearing music for his first time, it's obviously going to be my kind of music. After all isn't that how I got you into country music?"I asked kissing him on the cheek and walking out of the room taking my bags down by the front door. "Well played Mads, well played!"Hunter yelled from upstairs. I went over to the kitchen and began packing the cooler with food essentials we will need for the week. "Hey Hunt?"I yelled loud enough from the kitchen so he could hear me. "Yeah?"he asked coming down the stairs, his gym bag slung over his shoulder and James in his arms. "On our way to the cottage we're going to have to make a pit stop at the grocery store to pick some food up for the week."

"Okay and while we're at it we can stop for some ice cream at our favourite pace."He replied placing his bag next to all the other stuff we're going to be loading into the truck as soon as Sam arrives. "When's Sam getting here?" he asked and just as I was about to reply, the doorbell rang, and Hunter walked over towards the door to let Sam in. "Now."I say as Hunter opens the door to reveal my big brother standing there with Tim Hortons in his hand for the both of us. "Sam I told you I was fine, you didn't have to buy me an Ice Cap."I said as he stepped inside and closed the front door behind him. He looked over to Hunter and James then back at me. "Hey don't argue with me, I know you need it and your husband's the one who ratted you out!"Sam said handing me the ice cap and placing the tray of drinks down on the table by the door. I looked over at Hunter who gave me a smile. "What? He asked me if he should get you an ice cap and I told him you needed one because you need the energy for today."He confessed.

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