Here Comes Baby

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It was the middle of a cold January night, I was tossing and turning unable to sleep because the baby wouldn't stop moving. I got up to go downstairs and make a cup of warm tea that would hopefully help me get back to sleep. I tried my best to not wake Hunter but the baby kicked and I let out a groan from feeling the movement. Hunter stirred and turned before sitting up and turning his bedside light on. "Is everything okay babe?"He asked rubbing his eyes to adjust to the lighting. "Y-Yeah I'm- I'm fine."I replied as the baby kicked again. "Maddie, are you sure?"He asked getting out of bed and coming over to help me sit down. I looked over to him and nodded my head before another kick came along. "Maddie...I'm no doctor but, I think this baby is ready to make an appearance."He said as he grabbed one of his shirts off the chair and throwing it over his head before picking up his phone and calling my family and his parents.

As we drove down to the hospital, the pain kept getting worse and worse. "Shh it's okay baby, we're almost there, hang in there."Hunter said eyes focused on the road with one hand on the wheel while the other was holding mine. He quickly pulled into an empty parking spot and parked the car before grabbing the keys out of the ignition and coming over to my side of the car and helping me out and into the emergency doors. We approached the front desk and the receptionist knew exactly what was going on. She grabbed a wheelchair for me and helped me take a seat then she led Hunter and I over to the elevator and took us up to the baby floor. "I have already notified the doctor that you were on your way when you called so once you arrive he will be waiting to take care of you." The receptionist nurse said as the elevator came to a stop on the delivery floor. "Good Luck"She said before helping us off and getting back onto the elevator.

A few hours after going into labour and delivering the baby had finally made its appearance into the world for the first time. I was now asleep in the private room I was placed in after delivering the baby in the delivery room. As I stirred and slowly opened up my eyes, I saw Hunter sitting in a chair in the corner of the room holding our new born son playing with his tiny little fingers. "Hey look buddy, mommy's awake."Hunter said as he turned around coming over to the bed and handed me the baby before sitting down on the edge of the bed . Before I could speak, there was a knock on the door. "Come in."I said as my parents and both brothers walked in the room followed by Hunter's parents. "Hi honey how are you?"My mom asked as she came over and placed a kiss on my forehead before looking down at her first-born grandson. "Oh he's so precious!"She said just above a whisper with a tear in her eyes. "What did you name him?"my dad asked sitting down on the chair Hunter was sitting on just a few minutes ago. I looked at Hunter with a smile appearing on my face before looking back to our parents and my brothers. "We named him James Alexander Hastings"I replied as Hunter's sisters stepped into the room. "We're here!"They said in unison before congratulating us.

"What made you guys decide to name him that?"Hunter's dad asked. "Well dad, we chose James as his first name because that's part of Mr. Gem's middle name and we chose Alexander after grandpa Alex."He replied as I saw a smirk appear on my brother's face. "Why are you smirking like that?"I asked looking at Al. He took a second to come back with a smart ass reply and said "It's an honour for James to be named after the oldest Gem kid Mads! Little James here is one lucky boy!" He said as everyone laughed before Hunter's mom walked over to Sam and handed James over.

After everyone went home for the night, the nurse came into my room with her chart so she could assure James and I were doing okay. "I'm going to grab a coffee"Hunter said as he got up from the chair and went down to the cafeteria. Once the nurse had finished checking in on the baby and I the room was as quiet as could be, the only sound being James's small sounds. "Knock knock." I looked over to the door and see Cali and Jack standing there with a gift in hand. "Hey come on in!"I said as the came over and congratulate me then taking a seat in the empty chairs. "So what's this handsome baby boy's name?" Cali asked walking over to James and stroking her finger across his hand. "That would be James Alexander Hastings."I replied as I watched my best friend with my son. "He's so tiny and fragile!"Cali said. "Mads, I grabbed you some chicken nuggets and fries and they didn't have anymore BBQ sauce so I..."Hunter said coming back into the room with a huge McDonalds bag in one hand and a coffee in the other acknowledging our friend's presence. "Oh hey Jack, hi Cali!"They both smiled at him and congratulated him on become a dad. "Do you want to hold him Cal?"I asked as she looked over at me with excitement. "Of course, I do! Girl I'm going be his favourite family friend aunt!"She said as we laughed.

Once they all left for the night, the doctor had come in to see how we were doing. "Since you and the baby are fine and both healthy, you will be able to go home tomorrow morning."He said giving me a few papers with information and stuff for James. The doctor walked out and I turned to grab the cup of water sitting on the tray. "Hey Hunt, you know you don't have to..."I started saying when I looked at him sitting sound asleep in the chair with James held closely to his chest sound asleep with him. I grabbed my phone off the table and opened the camera app snapping a pic of my boys sleeping soundly. All of a sudden James started stirring and Hunter woke up and rubbed his eyes. "Hunt."He looked over at me and yawned.

"Maybe you should go home and get some sleep babe. You've been here all day and you look exhausted." I said as he stood up and rocked James back and forth until he fell asleep again. He walked over to the baby bed and placed him down kissing him on the top of the head. "Yeah I guess I should. It is getting pretty late."He replied coming to sit on the bed beside me and taking my hand. I smiled at him and then we went through our game plan for tomorrow. "Alright so I'll come pick you up around 8 tomorrow morning then we'll head home and your mom and Sam are coming over to visit and help us out."He said before planting a kiss on my lips. "Goodnight beautiful, I love you." I hold onto his hand before letting go. " I love you too."

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