Life Or Death

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As we were enjoying dinner, I suddenly felt the need to get some fresh air. "I'll be right back." I said placing my napkin on the table and standing up. "Where are you going?" Hunter asked as he grabbed my hand. "I need to get some air." I replied as I pushed my chair in and started walking towards the door, before I left the table, Cali stood up and said " Maddie I'm coming with you wait!" She said walking towards me. She looked back at the table where everyone was sitting and she looked at Jack and said "I'll be back." She then mouthed something to Hunter and he shook his head with a smile, after that, she made her way over to me and we went and sat on a bench outside of the restaurant. "Maddie...What's wrong?" Cali asked as I looked out into the distance as people walked by. I let a moment of silence pass by "Cal, I...I don't know...I just don't feel good." I replied as I felt like we were being watched. I looked around but could not detect anything out of the normal but, I felt deep down inside of my gut that I was being watched. "Maddie, talk to me." Cali said as I stood up and replied "Um... Could, could we walk and talk?" She looked at me with worry in her eyes as sadness filled mine, tears starting to stream down my cheeks. "Sure, come on." She said as she grabbed her phone and texted Jack to tell him where we were going then placed it back in her pocket. "So Maddie, what's on your mind that's making you feel this way girl?" She said as we walked down the street towards the beach. A couple minutes of silence filled the air as I took time to gather my thoughts then replied. "Cal, I...I'm not sure to be quite honest with you. I feel deep down in my gut that I'm constantly being watched since the day I collapsed." We came to a stop when we found a long log on the beach and both sat down looking out to the ocean.

"Mads, he won't bother you, you know that, and we've already talked about this. If he every tries to do something, you know Alex and Hunter won't allow it and with Alex around, Brody knows to stay away from you or else he'll be getting his ass whooped and served to him on a silver platter." She said giggling a little at the last part causing me to giggle a little too knowing that the last part was 100% true because my big brother would do anything to protect me. "You know what Kooper, you're right, he would get his ass whooped and served to him on a silver platter! I know my brother might seem a little too over protective sometimes but, I'm his little sister and I mean a lot to him and you know what he told me?" She laughed at my response and then smiled as a second of silence filled the air leaving the sound on the waves and birds being heard. "What did he tell you Gem?" She asked. "He told me that I'm the best little sister and best friend in the whole entire world. He also told me that he would be lost without me Cali." I replied letting a tear slip down my cheek as Cali's phone buzzed. She took it out of her pocket and answered it. "Hello?" She replied "Yeah, she's with me, we're down at the beach."

After she got off the phone, she placed her phone back in her pocket and said "It was your brother; he wanted to know where we went because Hunter and Jack are worried we weren't coming back." I looked out at the ocean and let silence fill the air then searched my pockets in search for my phone. "What are you looking for Maddie?" Cali asked as I continued to search my pockets and the sand for my phone, causing me to freak out. "Um... I think I lost my phone." I replied letting out a huge sigh of frustration. "Where did you last have it?" Cali asked as a small light bulb went off in my head then I replied "I left it on the dinner table right beside Alex." Cali was about to reply when we heard a noise from behind us. We both sat still not moving and then I felt someone hover over me pulling me back. I was about to scream for Cali when my mouth was covered by a strong warm hand. I closed my eyes and tears started streaming down my cheeks and I kicked in panic. "Maddie! Don't fight it, you're strong!" She said as a hand covered her mouth too at this point I knew exactly who was doing this... BRODY! As the tears still streamed down my face, I was being placed in the back of a van along with Cali and as soon as the hands were released from our mouths, our hands were being tied together behind our backs as I remembered not to fight it even if it hurt. "Why are you doing this Brody? Let us go!" I asked in demand that he would do as I asked but, I know he. He put his face closer to my ear and whispered "Because you're supposed to be with me, after everything I went through to have you be mine..." He kissed my cheek as I flinched and pushed my cheek away from his lips. Inside of me fear continued to grow every second and then, he hit the roof of the van then he yelled "You're supposed to be with me! NOT HUNTER!" Cali let out a gasp of fear letting her tears run down her cheeks as she watched in silence letting little sobs out here and there. "Brody, please." I whispered "Calm down." I added as he looked at me with anger and sadness in his eyes. "No Madison! I can't calm down!" He said slapping me across the cheek where he had kissed me before I moved it away. I flinched and let out a wince of pain then again, tears started flooding down the sides of my cheeks until I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

Life Around The WorldHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin