Bonjour Paris!

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After a few days spent in London, we were now in Paris France, we've been here for two days now and it's beautiful! We were enjoying lunch at a small café by the water with a wonderful view of the Eiffel tower in the distant. "This is delicious!" Mina said taking a bite of her croissant as the waiter brought our main courses to the table and placed them in front of us. "Bonne appetite!" He said as he placed Cali's meal in front of her "Merci" She replied as she placed her napkin on her lap. We sat out on the patio enjoying the view and our meals then, when we finished; we walked alongside the river as boats passed by holding each other's hand breathing in the fresh air. "My feet hurt!" Cali said as we stopped. She sat down on a bench facing the water as I leaned I sat down beside her and said "How about I give you a piggy back? That way, your feet will be rested." She smiled and said "Sure." I stood up and bent down so she could jump onto my back, after she was on I started walking and Jack said "Hey...You could have asked me to give you a piggy back." Cali looked over to Jack and replied " Maddie offered first!" Then, we kept walking and later stopped at a bus station where a bus would take us down to Le Marais where we would explore some museums, art galleries and shops. When we got there, we got out of the bus and made our way towards Le Marais and started walking down the path that separated boutiques, galleries, museums and restaurants. "Hey guys, let's go in here." Justin said as he opened the door to a small bakery, we walked in and breathed in the smell of freshly baked bread. "It smells so good!" Hunter said as we all agreed. We looked at all the yummy treats that were placed in the case behind the counter, some of our stomachs were growling and some of us were getting hungry. "All these treats look so good it's making me hungry!" Jack said. Justin asked the lady behind the counter for a couple of cookies as she placed them in a box and handed it to him, he walked towards the cash register and paid for the cookies after that, we left the bakery and found a bench to stop at so the boys could eat a cookie.

"Maddie, how do you say this is delicious in French?" Jack asked I laughed and replied "C'est delicieux!" Jack took a bite from his cookie and said "C'est delicious!" Everyone laughed and we continued to walk down the path looking in some boutiques and going into some museums. After a long day, we went back to the hotel to relax for the rest of the afternoon before supper, Cali and I were laying down on the bed starring at the ceiling and talking about random stuff when there was a knock on the door, before Cali and I sat up she yelled "Who is it? Jack if it's you and Hunter you have a key, open the door." But there was no reply so I looked at Cali and we both walked over to the door. I opened it and standing right in front of me was my big brother Alex. He dropped his bags and I jumped into his arms for a hug, the hug lasted a good 10 minutes then he put me down. "What are you doing here?!?" I asked him as Hunter and Jack appeared behind him and yelled "SURPRISE!!!" I put the biggest smile on my face and gave them both a hug then Cali came up behind me and said "Hey, don't forget about me!" She joined the group hug and I thanked them. Just then, everyone else showed up at the door and Mina asked "What's going on here, a family reunion?" We all laughed as Alex turned and Mina said "Oh well, this is awkward. I was just kidding." When Brent saw Alex, he hugged him and said "Hey man!"

"Hey how's it going B?" Alex said "Going good how about you?" He replied "Not bad just came out here to surprise my little sister and her friends." Was his answer, he picked up his bags and came into the room followed by everyone else. We sat down and started talking when another knock on the door was being heard. "Who could this be now? We're all here!" Cali asked "I don't know why doesn't Jack get it?" Since he was closer to the door, Jack got up and opened the door and when he saw who was standing there, he was really happy "No way!" He said as Cali asked "What's wrong J?" He came back towards the group with his older brother Max and our friend Carter. Brent, Hunter and I then yelled "Surprise!!!" He laughed and thanked us then Carter said "Hey, I was in on it too! I'm the one who suggested we come out to join the adventure." Everyone laughed as they sat down and told us about their weird flight over and then after a few laughs, we made our way to the restaurant that was next door to the hotel.

"Chez Ravi!" Carter said looking up at the sign of the restaurant "Bonne Appetite!" He added reading the rest of the sign. We all laughed and went in as I held the door for them to go in then, Alex said "Après vous !" I smiled and replied "Merci mon frère!" We followed the host to the table we would be sitting at and sat down looking through the menu at all the meals. The waiter then came back and brought our drinks then took out her note pad and began taking our orders. "So how has your trip been going so far?" Max asked. "It has been pretty great so far." Jack answered, Cali looked up at him and said "Your brother had a freak attack when he met Jackie Chan." Max's jaw dropped and so did Carter's as they couldn't believe Jack had met Jackie Chan. "Are you messing with us JC?!?!" Jack laughed and replied "No I'm actually serious; I have a picture to prove it to you." He took out his phone and pulled up the picture of him with Jackie Chan. "No way when did you do that?" Carter asked "When we went to China and learned how to do karate and he also signed that white belt." Max and Carter looked at each other jaws still dropped and then the waiter came back with our meals. "I have some French fries here and a few crepe wraps over here and a French onion soup." She said as she handed out the meals and then added "And I will be right back with the other meals." We thanked her and she left to go get the other meals that were ready for our table. "Maddie, that soup smells good." Alex said eyeing my soup "It tastes good too!" I replied then the waitress came back with everyone else's food. "Okay so I've got a BLT wrap with fries, a veggie stew, two garden salads with French dressing and a poutine." She placed the poutine down in front of Hunter and then went to a different table to take their orders.

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