Part 4: Alliance.

En başından başla

???:"What the f**k has my mind going into!"

Queen Elizabeth:"Who are you?"

???:"Me Poland!"

Queen Elizabeth:"Poland?"

PolandBall:"We needings help cause we losing on our own!"

Warspite:"Ok. Let's go my ladies!"

(Time skip brought to you by Germany holding a flamethrower while staring at Ark Royal who was scared.)

Hood:"What the hell? A Yamato class battleship?"

Warspite:"I thought the Sakura Empire never built one of those?"

Then they were called by Enterprise.

Enterprise:"Your Majesty!"

Queen Elizabeth:"It seems our new Allies are struggling on destroying those Sirens."

Enterprise:"Yes. But they are currently winning against the Sirens!"

While they were talking, UKBall saw them.


ScotlandBall:"Oh my yes!"

UKBall:"Our ships!!!"

GermanyBall:"I'm going out to defeat those aliens."


As Germany went out, he summoned 16 flak cannons on the harbor and aimed at the sky.

GermanyBall:"Guten Tag!"

The Flaks fired at the sky tearing apart all the siren jets but miraculously missing the allied planes.

Queen Elizabeth:"Impossible!"

Renown and Repulse:"Your Majesty! Should we help them?"

Queen Elizabeth:"No. Let's see how strong they are."

Hood:"Are you sure your Majesty?"

Queen Elizabeth:"I'm sure."

Suddenly, two tanks:(An IS-2 and an KV-2) fired at the sky.

???:"Comrade! We winnings!"

???:"Yes comrade Ukraine!"

Warspite:"Are those... North Unioners?"

After few more minutes of Siren planes being f**ked, The Siren planes retreated.

All the country balls:"We Won!!!"

After few minutes of leaving their ships, the country balls queued up in a line while facing at the Ship girls.

The Leader balls came out and greeted the shipgirls.

Queen Elizabeth:"Thank you for protecting the base. By the way. Can we ask your names.?

Japan:"I am Japan."

France:"I'm France."

USABall:"I'm America."

RussiaBall:"I'm Sovie.*Coughs*Russia.

GermanyBall:"I'm Ze Deutschland."

UKBall:"And lastly, I'm Great Britain! Leader of the Royal Navy.

Queen Elizabeth twitches abit.

Queen Elizabeth:"Wait. I'm the leader of the Royal Navy!"

UKBall:"Yes but I made you."

All the Royal Navy girls were shocked.

Queen Elizabeth:"Creator?!?"

UKBall:"Haha! How cute of you, your Majesty.

Queen Elizabeth blushes abit.

Queen Elizabeth:"Th-Thank you.."

USABall:"My my. It's already 9:00 am and we still haven't got sleep!"

Enterprise:"You can sleep in the empty rooms of the dorms. We are currently preparing for a party in the other side of the island."

GermanyBall:"What party?"

Queen Elizabeth:"The party of our unification with the Crimson Axis."

When Germany, Japan, and Italy heard this, they twitched.


JapanBall:"My shipgirls!?!"

ItalyBall:"Ma ma mia!"

UKBall:"Calm down mate."

Queen Elizabeth:"Because you saved our base, can we make an alliance?"

UKBall:"Let me talk to our friends about that matter.

The leaders then proceeded to the waiting countryballs.

UKBall:"Listen up! We are joining these girls on whatever they are against! All the country balls who don't want to sleep in the dorms have to do maintenance on the ships and they can sleep there."

All the country balls:"Yes sir!"

After the announcement, the country balls who would sleep in the dorms dispersed and went to the canteen.
And all the country balls who would do maintenance quickly jumped into the water.

Queen Elizabeth:"My! Why are they so excited?"

USABall:"Cause they are tired."

(Meanwhile at the other side of the island Azur Land Base.)

???:"Schwester! Did the air raid sirens go off just awhile ago?"

???:"Maybe the sirens were already defeated."

???:"Let's continue our preparations for the party tonight schwester."

???:"Holy sh*t my Reichstag!"

???:"What the?!"

???:"Who the hell are you?!!"

???:"It is me! Germany!"

(That's the end of this chapter. It took me a long time due to me struggling to get the bagguetw ships. Anyway, Deus Vult!)

Country Ball Anime Adventures(Azur lane)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin