chapter 30(FINALE)

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    Alfred hired a very good lawyer for daddy to reopen the johnsons company. After all the court hearings and evidences.Daddy won the case and his goods that were confiscated years ago were released.

We came to find out it was a conspiracy plotted against him by Mr Kelvin. I couldn't believe he did that.Daddy forgave him because you don't pay back evil with evil.

We moved to Lekki, daddy bought a very big mansion,everyone own a room of his/her own and happiness was restored back to our family.

Daddy bought a comfortable three bedroom duplex for Nancy and her mother and they became a part of our family, he sponsored her education and every other thing.

It was the week of my and Alfred's wedding, we did alot of shopping and preparations.

Mrs Alex was my god mother,Stephanie and Nancy were my bridesmaids.

We did the traditional wedding, then the church wedding. Mrs Alex chose a very beautiful wedding gown for me.

The wedding alter was decorated so beautifully,after all the I do's the priest said"And now you may kiss the bride"

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The wedding alter was decorated so beautifully,after all the I do's the priest said"And now you may kiss the bride"

We left for our new house,after all the cries,I didn't want to leave my family.

"Don't cry my daughter, you are going to start a new be happy "daddy said wiping away my tears.

"I love you so much daddy and I'm going to miss you"i said giving him a tight hug.

He pulled me away gently and said"Go my dear,your husband is waiting for you.Don't ruin this happy moment "

The house was so beautiful and for some minutes I went round surveying the house before he came and took me bridal style up to our room.
The next day....

"Hey!wake up and pack your bags,else we'll miss the flight."He said and I quickly woke up and washed my face.

I dressed up in no time,we were flying to Paris for our honeymoon.

Thank goodness we made it to the airport in time,else we would have missed the flight.

I forgot my Jean Jacket at the reception,he went back to get it and I waited for him at the plane's entrance on the stairs.

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