chapter 19

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Our landlord has been sending notice to daddy.with or without his notice, we've already decided to settle for less once our rent is expired.

Daddy has already started looking for a more less expensive house perhaps with two bedrooms.We can manage that because 5 million naira rent isn't for us now.

I dressed up In a casual dress to go meet Nancy,it's been long since I went to their house even though she was here last week for dinner. But we only get to talk on phone most atimes.

I actually have a reason for paying her the visit, I've discussed with my family about getting a job for the main time before we see what happens about my school.

Me and Steven have decided to write jamb again and apply unilag. Yeah I've finally decided to stay close to my family.

I took my phone and went down to mummy's room"Im leaving mummy, see you later "I said standing in front of her door.

"Alright Becky,send my regards to Nancy and her mother and come home soon please "

"Okay mummy. Take care"

I quickly went out of the gate and stopped a tricycle to Nancy's house and we arrived in about 5 minutes because it was close by.

I met her mother outside the compound and I bent down to greet her,she welcomed  me with a hug  and asked about my family.

She was really excited to see me as she started offering me food and water,I refused to eat anything because who knows if it was only what they have left since I didn't tell them I was coming.

And besides, I ate breakfast before coming to their house.So i went straight  to Nancy's room and she was excited to see me.

We talked for a while and I told her what actually brought me to their house.
"Nancy, I really need job,that's why I came here.Maybe you can help me find a job in the restaurant you work"I said in a serious tone.

"Do you have to beg me Becky,you've always been there for me."she said as she patted my hand in a friendly way.

"I really need this job,I want to help my family, everyone has turned their backs on my father and I don't want him to suffer at all"I was already getting so emotional.

"Trust me!I've been wanting to make this offer to you,but I was afraid you won't accept it.You are from a good background "she said plainly.

"What do you mean by I won't accept it Nancy,I can do anything for my family.please help me" I said kneeling down begging In front of her with my two hands joined together.

I didn't know when tears escaped from my eyes.

She held me up and said"Please stop this Becky I'm your friend, and you've done alot for me.I can do anything for you"

She wiped away my tears with a handkerchief she was holding and told me to sit up.

"There is vacancy in the restaurant I work.And I'm sure my Boss won't hesitate to take you in because she loves intelligent people that can speak good English "

"Thank you so much Nancy"I said giving her a tight hug.

"And there is also a neighbor who just gave birth and she's a working class woman. She really needs a babysitter and I think it will be a nice offer for you because you love kids "she said"i can talk to her if you want,and it's not a stressful job really it's only from 7 AM to 2 PM"

"Wow!I would really love that,but I prefer working with you"

"You can do both, my work is evening shift,as well as the vacancy. From 4 pm to 9PM.It was actually someone's space,but the girl got married that's why my boss is looking for someone to fill in.But if the two isn't going to be stressful for you.what say?"she said waiting to hear my opinion.

"What do you think Nancy,I will take the both willingly.Thank you so much, you are truly my friend. "

She walked me outside as we agreed to go meet her Boss and the woman the following day.

I dressed up so early in the morning to meet up with the woman I want to babysit for.

I ate my breakfast in excitement and gave my mummy and daddy a hug each as they wished me luck.

I called Nancy and told her I was outside their house and she came out In a minute.

In no time we were at the woman's house waiting for her in the living room.

Her maid offered us Tea and we waited for her to come out.she later came out and sat down on the couch.

"Sorry I kept you waiting, "she said as we both chorus "no problem "

"I'm Mrs Alex but you can call me Bella "
We both nodded in agreement.

"I'm Becky "I introduced myself

She already knows Nancy since they are actually living in thesame area and she asked Nancy to get her a baby sitter.

Nancy told her everything and she asked how much would be my pay,I insisted that she would say how much she wants to pay.I don't really have a problem.

Since I'm actually new,I've never worked for anyone before.

At long last she said she's going to be paying me forty thousand naira per month, that's quite much because I wasn't actually expecting that.

I was expecting something like twenty thousand or less than that.But she actually offered more than that and I willingly accepted it as we went down to Nancy's work place to meet her Boss too.

With a little interview I was offered the job too and  am to start both jobs by Next week Monday.

I thanked Nancy so much for her support and went home.

I told my family how everything went and they were all excited,mummy and daddy gave me advice on how to be a diligent and a loyal worker.

Author's note
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