Chapter 1

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We were all seated in the living room that was decorated in lemon green and orange wallpapers.

The design was chosen by my mother,they were her favourite colours.

The sofas were arranged curvy like all those foreign houses we see in the television.

There was a triangular shaped transparent glass centre table flashing in the middle,with some fresh Lavender flowers to decorate the table and give the living room a very nice scent.

I love flowers a lot,and I took the responsibility of changing the flowers every day from our garden.

"Can anybody guess what I want to say"Daddy said,putting on a mischievous smile as all of us started thinking.

My dad is a family man,he loves spending quality time with his family and that's the best part of him.

He is very soft and kind hearted,he jokes a lot and he doesn't get angry so easily.

But when he's upset, nobody can stand his anger.

He can give you the slap of your life,trust Nigerian parents.

When they slap you,you'll think you've lost your sight and the echo will still be there.

And then,you'll later start seeing double,your sight will be blurred before you finally start seeing well.

That's the magic of Nigerian parents slap.

That's why we try as much as possible not to get into his trap.

Stephanie is the only one who has been a victim of daddy's slap,because, she's very stubborn.

I could remember a day when we were having dinner in the dining room.

Everyone was eating but Stephanie said she wouldn't eat what was cooked in the house.

Daddy told her to go to the kitchen and cook whatever she wants and she did just that but ended up not eating the food.

She did it for like three days and daddy got pissed up on the fourth day.

He saw the food in the zinc, untouched and he got so upset.

He went to her room(That was before I and her started sharing a room because she said she's so scared and can't sleep alone in her room)

He gave her a resounding slap,trust me,she was still feeling the slap even after a week.

"Daddy just tell us please "I said impatiently.

"Nobody can try?"He asked.

"Anybody that tries will get one thousand naira note cash"He put his hand inside his pocket and brought out a shiny one thousand Naira note.

Stephanie and Steven started trying and it almost turned to competition.

"No,try again, you are almost there"Daddy said still holding the one thousand Naira Note.

"We've given up"Stephanie and Steven said in Unison.

I was just laughing at them because if there's one thing I love most is my family and their drama.

I love to see them happy,it keeps me going forward.

"Just give them the money,they've tried enough"I said and they quickly nodded in agreement.

"Okay!"He said putting on a pity face.

"So I'll just let my one thousand Naira go just like that"

Whenever we are with daddy, you'll think he is our friend because of the way he jokes around with us.

As he will always say"All works without play makes Jack a dull boy"

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