chapter 6

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Becky's  pov

I woke up to the  continuous sound of music hitting my ears.

The knowledge to where it was coming from I have not.

But I'm pretty sure it's within the house,maybe from the terrace or main parlor.

To be honest, I woke up from the wrong side of the bed as the sound wasn't allowing me to have a peaceful sleep.

My weekend has been stressful with the graduation parties and all and I really wanted to sleep today but whatever it is that is going on in the house has just spoiled my  mood.

I went downstairs but to my greatest surprise,there was nobody.

The house was so quiet and for a moment I kept wondering where all the family members were.

Of course I knew daddy left earlier this morning because they are expecting their goods today.

But where is Mummy,Stephanie, Steven,Paul and Rose?

As I stood asking myself curious questions,Paul came out of his room with a pair of sneakers looking so excited as if he won a jackpot.

I stopped him and asked"what's going on in this house,where is mummy,Stephanie and the rest?"

"They are up in the terrace preparing for the party"

"What party?"I asked curiously.

But it seems like Paul was too thrilled to answer my question as he ran quickly to the terrace.

I didn't hesitate to follow him up to see what was going on in the house.

I bumped into Stephanie  holding an empty basket on her way downstairs.

"what's going on stephanie?"

"I'm going to get some fresh flowers to decorate the terrace "She said and left without waiting for my reply.

"Oh my!why is everyone so excited and nobody is ready to answer any of my questions "I murmured to myself as I made my way to the terrace.

On the terrace I found different strangers all busy doing one thing or the other.

Some were busy decorating the wall with cloths,balloons and flowers.

Some were putting table clothes on the banquette table,and chair covers on the chairs with a tie bag.

Their activities could tell they are event planners.

Just then another set of people started trickling in with large bowls and pots like those used for buffet parties.

That was when I sighted a long table decorated with golden material and pink ribbons.

They arranged the    bowls,pots,cups,plates,cutlery, and servite on the long table.

Those are the waiters I can tell.

I saw mummy talking to one of the waiters and I quickly went to her.

"Thank goodness I found you mummy,what's happening, nobody is telling me anything?"

"What does it look like to you?"

"Yeah I know it's a party,but what for?"

"Don't tell me you don't know why we are having a party?"mummy asked surprisingly.

"I promise,I don't know.Infact I just heard about the party from Paul"

"Well,we are having a party to celebrate your dad's victory. "She said.

"What?but daddy isn't even yet at home and he hasn't given us an update yet since he left earlier this morning"

"It's actually a surprise party,and it's Stephanie's idea.Now that you are up and aware,go get ready before the guests start coming.There's a whole lot to do."she said and continued talking to the waiters on how to arrange the table, it was going to be a buffet party.

This party is so uncalled for,we should have waited for daddy to call or maybe allow him to come home first. The party can hold tomorrow.Maybe I should talk to Stephanie about it.I thought on way back to the room.

Luckily, I found Stephanie already dressing up in a peach short gown.

She looks stunning I must confess.

"wow!My sister is really a princess"i dropped my compliment immediately I saw her checking herself up through the mirror.

"Thanks sis"she said without turning to look at me.

I cleared my throat and began"Don't you think we should hold this party some other time?I mean it'll be much more interesting when he's here,what say?"

I knew it will be hard to convince her,but I still tried to.

"It wouldn't be a surprise anymore.Don't you know what a surprise is,we'll welcome him home with the party" She said.

"But I think....."

She cut me short"I'm not asking for your opinion Miss Becky,you can as well join us or keep your mouth shut please.Don't come and pep talk me,I'm not in the mood"she  waltz out of the room in annoyance.

I couldn't believe what she said before she left the room.

"Feel free to invite that fashion blunder, I'm sure she has never attended such grand parties in her life so let her come experience it for once"

I couldn't believe she said that,but I'm not going to invite Nancy,it's not necessary.

I had no option than to just soak it up,soon i dressed in what I feel comfortable in and joined the party.

Most of the invited guest had already arrived including Stephanie's friends in school, Precious and Kate.

I sat down on a chair and was just enjoying the musics that were playing interchangeable from the background.

There was enough food and drinks, different cuisines and continental dishes.

Everyone seem to be enjoying the party as we all waited for dad to come back in anticipation.

Mum went to the MC and collected the mic from him.

"I want to thank you all for honoring our invitation and the johnsons will never forget your kindness."She said as all the crowd started applauding.

"Make sure you enjoy yourself as we all wait for the arrival of my husband Mr johnson.Eat,drink and dance.Thank you all"she said and gave the mic back to the Mc.

Stephanie and her friends danced choreography of Do like that By Korede Bello.

Now I see the reason why she's been rehearsing the dance for the past two days,I never suspected anything since it has always been her thing to learn every trendy dance moves.

The guests were already getting tired because daddy was taking too long to appear and some just dropped their gifts and left as it was already getting late.

I was getting worried because daddy never stayed too long in office but mum said she called him earlier and he said he's going to be on his way home soon.

But she didn't tell him anything about the party.

Author's note

Who can guess what the next chapter is going to be like?was johnsons contract a success or not?find out in chapter 7.
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Love you all🥰

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