chapter 10

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It was a busy day for us as we were all busy doing one thing or the other.Stephanie and our house help were tidying up the house,steven was watering the flowers and washing the cars in the parking lot.

I was making lunch while Rose and Paul were playing video game upstairs in the mini parlor.

It's going to be a great day because mummy is coming back home after two weeks of panic.We were all excited,but we are still not on thesame track with stephanie and steven.

They were not ready to trust me and believe that I was never wishing Ill for daddy and I stopped trying to make them believe or trust me.Am sure with time they'll surely understand me.

I was overwhelmed that mummy is coming back home and I indulged in cooking in the kitchen.

I made mummy's favorite, pounded yam and egusi soup with tilapia fish.I also made a medium heart shaped cake with royal icing and I wrote(Welcome home mummy).I made watermelon and strawberry smoothies,they'll be healthy for a patient that just recovered.

I spread a clean white table cloth on the dining table with table mat on each side of the dining seats.I arranged the warmers that carried the pounded yam in the centre near the flower verse that stood in the middle with fresh rosemary flowers I got from the garden.
I arranged the cutlery,glass cups and servite on the table too which made it so beautiful like those  in dinners.

Even though I know mummy might not like my plan,I still did it.If not for anything, but for the fact that she's my mother and she's been away from us for a while and she needs to feel loved.

After all the work,I went upstairs to take a shower because they might appear anytime from now since it's already 1:00 PM.

They arrived while I was still in the bathroom.Rose ran to mummy and hugged her immediately she came into the house
"Yeyyy!Mummy is back"she said as she ran towards her.Mummy opened her hands wide for rose to jump into them.She kissed her on the forehead and said"I miss you so much my baby"
"I miss you too mummy, where have you been?"

Through out the time mummy was in the hospital,daddy never allowed anybody to take her to the hospital. She always ask where steven is carrying food to everyday and we'll always crook up some story to tell her.
"I traveled my baby"
"But you didn't take me along with you"Rose said with her face frowned.
"Am sorry!it was urgent,but I won't travel without you again okay.Don't ne angry, mummy is back huh"

"Welcome home mummy "stephanie said after giving her a warm hug
"Welcome home mummy"steven also gave his own quick but tight hug
"Welcome back mummy,we miss you alot"paul said as he jumped on her body and daddy had to tell her to drop him down because of her health condition.

"I need some rest okay!"mummy said as she made her way to her bedroom.

"It's time for lunch honey,you eat first and take your medicine before going to the room"daddy said"come!I'll help you"
He put one of his hand on her shoulder and placed her head against his chest as they slowly walk to the dining table.Stephanie drew one chair for mummy to sit and daddy slowly sat her down on the chair saying "Be careful "

Mummy didn't see me,and she didn't asked about my whereabouts.I didn't bother because I knew she wouldn't ask about me since she's still upset with me.

They all sat down and daddy said"Wher e is Becky?"
"She must be upstairs"Stephanie said without looking up

Mummy's mood suddenly change,that was when she realized I wasn't there.Different thoughts started running in her mind."So this girl doesn't even care if I live or not,everyone came to welcome me but she doesn't care.she's comfortably staying in her room reading her stupid books.I was right when I said she was a witch.God why did you give me such a child?"

I didn't hear the horn of daddy's car when they came back,so I hardly noticed they were already home.I wore a black sleeveless top with a pear of blue Jean.

I stood by the mirror rehearsing how to face mummy,how to tell her how much I love and miss her and how to apologize for everything that happened .I'm nothing without her I know.

I tried to put on a remorseful look,but with the reflection on the mirror.I don't need to do that because my face tells it all.

"Welcome home mummy!I'm sorry for all the pain that I caused you but trust me,you are the best mother in the world. I can't have a better family than you all,and you are my support.please forgive me" I said kneeling down in front of the mirror with my hands merged together in plea.Tears started coming out of my eyes gently.

"Mummy is back sister Becky" a voice called out in excitement. It brought me back to reality. I turned and saw Rose standing by the door.

"When did she came in?"I asked holding her hands as we made our way downstairs.

"Your food is getting cold mercy,what are you thinking of"daddy said to my eardrums as I stepped into the dining area.

She had been thinking about how bad I'm for not coming to welcome her.Her food was untouched as daddy squeezed her hand gently which brought her back from her imaginary world.

Our eyes met immediately she raised her head to talk to daddy.I was standing behind daddy's chair.

She stair at me in furry,but I gathered some courage to go hug her"welcome home mummy, I was upstairs.i didn't know you are here already. How are you feeling?I..........."she stopped me with her hand and said
"How would you know I'm here when you don't care if i was alive or dead."

I gasped in surprise and said"why would you say that mummy, you are my mother,I see no reason why I shouldn't care for your well being"

"Yes mummy!sister Becky loves you,she even made all these foods just for you"paul added

"Look at the beautiful cake she baked for you"Rose said as she pointed the cake that was untouched on the dining table.

"Oh really!I can see how good you've become in acting and pretense.But sorry for bursting your bubbles so quickly. I won't fall for it,try harder"she said as she threw the cake and it fell and smashed to the ground into pieces.

I cried silently staring at the cake I made out of love,I knelt down to pick the pieces where I wrote I love you,it was the only pieces that remained intact while all other things I wrote damaged and couldn't be traced.

Everyone was quite!nobody was saying anything,even daddy is quite and I started to wonder what he thinks about he really on my side or mummy's side.If he was on my side then why is he not supporting me,why is he not explaining things to her so she can understand that I'm not bad.

She waltz out of the dining area with her food untouched after saying "let me leave here because seeing this girl keeps irritating me"

I stood up to follow her but daddy stopped me.He tapped my shoulder and  rubbed my cheeks shaking his head"let her be Becky,give her some time"
Stephanie followed mummy and Steven left the dining table.Daddy called the house help to clear the table and I watched as she took mummy's plate of pounded yam that was untouched and the cake that smashed on the ground.

"She doesn't understand me"i cried in pain

Thanks for your time.I know some of you will be wondering why Becky is the only one suffering all the problems in the book.But she's also the super heroine of the book.

Drop a comment if you are enjoying the book so far,click on the vote button to support and encourage me to write more.Love you all
Remember, tough times never last,but tough people do.

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