chapter 2

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"Attention please!The plane is about to land"We heard a young lady's voice saying.

She repeated it for like three times and we all started waking up one after the other.

We've all been sleeping since the plane took off.

"Wake up honey"Daddy said to mummy  as he tapped her shoulder gently.

I was sitting next to Stephanie and I've been trying to wake her up but to no avail.

When Stephanie is sleeping, you'll think she's a dead horse.

"Hey Steph wake up,the plane is landing "I said,shaking her so hard.

"Oh my god!"She quickly wrapped her hands around my arms in fear.

Daddy told us the most frightening moment of being in a plane is when it's taking off and landing.

The plane landed in few minutes times and we all started going out of the plane.

Everything was arranged for us because daddy has some few friends in UK.

We went straight to our hotel and dropped our bags and we were served lunch.

After lunch, everyone started zoning out of the dining room to our rooms because we were all very exhausted.

I and Stephanie shared a room,Paul and Steven together and then,Mummy, Daddy and Rose live in thesame room.

The Hotel was just so beautiful with so many rooms and dining rooms where all guests will have their meals.

I dropped like a log of woods on the bed ,trying to stretch out the stress and get a little siesta.

But Stephanie doesn't seem tired, She went to the Balcony with her camera and started snapping pictures.

"Becky!Come here and see something "I heard her screaming my name from the Balcony.

I wasn't in the mood because I was so tired, but if I don't go see what she wants to show me,she won't let me rest.

"Alright Steph I'm coming "I slowly dragged myself to the balcony to see what the heck she was calling me from.

"Look here"She brought the camera close to my eyes and started showing me the pictures she took.

"Steph!You are too much "I face palmed.

"So you called me for this ?"

"Ofcourse,don't you like the pictures?"She asked.

"I do,but ain't you tired for christ sake?"

"Do you think I came to UK to just stare at things?I need a photo album "She turned back to continue her touring while I quietly went back to the room to rest.

The next day after everyone was fully refreshed, we began to explore.

We went to Tower Bridge and it was so marvellous with Stephanie capturing each and every moment.

The following day we went to Flower Facades and It was a very nice one too.

I packed a lot of beautiful flowers to take back to Nigeria.

We went to a lot more places and only god knows how many pictures Stephanie snapped.

Our last outing was Big Ben.It was the best outing with alot of fun and Ice creams.

The scene that happened was so funny.

Stephanie was doing the initial thing (Snapping pictures).

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